Master Of None profile picture

Master Of None

The only thing​ we learn​ from histo​ry,​ I am afrai​d,​ is that we do not learn​ from

About Me

I like waking up almost every morning knowing I did nothing I regret the night before. My ears perk up whenever I hear a diesel engine. I can pick up a Hammond organ and lift it into a van without any help. My train of thought jumps the track whenever I see a woman walk by. I like playin Quizzo at The Whip with my yam bags. I like cruisin' in old Benzes. I have owned twelve antique farm tractors, I currently have four. My grandmother has rapidly progressing dementia and always gives me money, and I put it back in her purse when she isn't looking. My grandfather just got his knee replaced (86 years old) and could still kick your ass up around your ears. I have partnership in a corporation that picks up used vegetable oil from restaurants. I have an alcoholic dog, she's a very demanding drunk. Sometimes I feel like using my red guitar as a weapon, other times I feel like using it to destroy a hotel room, but most times I feel like sleeping with it and do on occasion fall asleep with her in my arms. I say "cat", "far out", and "talkin' about god knows what" all the time. I like sitting in the big green La-Z-Boy in my studio and listening to Miles Davis' "Kind Of Blue" over and over all night. My right leg is smaller than my left due to multiple club foot surgeries as an infant, and Paul just pointed out to me recently that my awkward walk is more of a strut than a limp. I pine for sailors at sea. I haven't gotten my hair cut since January 2007, and its getting ridiculous. No, I will not make out with you! Sometimes I will go to Waywood and buy a 30 pack of Miller High Life and finish it in two days. One time I hung out with Jimmy Smith and talked about Clint Eastwood movies and shiny belt buckles. Did I mention I really like women? I like eating cubes of extra sharp cheddar cheese with Crystal brand hot sauce on them. I am never too busy to take on another project, even if I'm too busy. I wear western style clothes and cowboy boots but I don't dig horses. Don't touch the radio in my car while I'm driving or I'll break your goddamned fingers. I don't know how I lived the first 32 years of my life without my iPhone. I'm never leaving Embreeville, PA. This is only the tip of the iceberg. Get to know me.

My Interests

music, Shadow, friends, funk, 1st Generation Cummins Dodges with giant tires, a Telecaster played through a cranked up Fender amp, women, people and things that are powered by vegetable oil and biodiesel, old tractors, intense intimate conversations, Hammond organs, Scotch eggs, the Fender Rhodes electric piano, and iceberg tips.

I'd like to meet:

Free thinking people. People who have their head far enough out of their ass to see that the United States is in a very bad situation financially, economically, environmentally is and looking rough around the edges, and that it is almost too late to make a difference.Our government has grown too big, and is removing our freedoms daily without most people even knowing it.Last time I checked, the USA was a republic. "We the people" need to make the rules for the government, not the other way around! Get it together, people- our country has a bleeding wound in it! Learn the issues, talk about it to people, and for Pete’s sake, avoid any of that political bandwagon shit and GO VOTE YOUR CONSCIENCE on election day.


The Sermon, Jimmy Smith, John Patton, Lou Donaldson, Soulive, Larry Young, Bird, Waylon, Shooter, Side Zero, Brother/Captain Jack McDuff, Josh Komorowski, Shirley Scott, 'Trane, Don Rich, Miles, Zeppelin, Sabbath, Skynyrd, Buck Owens, Tim Celfo, Grant Green, Jake Langley, Wes Montgomery, Paul Klinefelter, Herbie Hancock, Horace Silver, Bobby Timmons, Trudy Pitts, Art Blakey, Byron Landham, Dave Saladino, Roger Miller, Junior Brown, Willie, Waylon, Larry Tucker, Charles Earland, Johnny Cash, Commander Cody, Cream, Joe Dukes, Bob Wills, James Brown, Chicago, George Benson, Lonnie Smith, George Driesbach, Doug Sahm, The Ventures, Don Allaband, Dick Dale, Otis Redding, Sam and Dave, Albert King, BB King, Freddie King, Earl King, Earl Hooker, John Lee Hooker, Santana, Shelby Lynne, Stan Getz, Amy Reitz, James Mabry, Mike Lynch, Van Halen, Donald Byrd, Shaun Oshman, Ramsey Lewis, Mose Allison, Harold Vick, Stanley Turrentine, Louis Prima, Kenny Burrell, The Meters, Booker T and the MG's, SRV, The JB's, TUF, MMW, SCOTS, AWB, CDB, ABB, The Three Hanks- Cephus, Bocephus and Tricephus, John Prine, Paul Wilkinson, Glenn Ferracone, Jimmy McGriff, George Thorogood, Jack Ingram. And my three favorites- My big brothers Joey and Johnny D and my other dad, Papa John. I could go on for hours here.


We're on a mission from God. We're gonna do what they say can't be done. That's definitely a Dickfer. Surely you cant be serious. Fat guy in a little coat. Clorophyll? More like Bore-o-Phyll. Is that you poyce? Thats a nice Poyce.


Rescue Me, and The Simpsons.


Anything from Roger Welsch


Grease Powered Annabelle.

My Blog

Get in line, and assimilate. We’re all in trouble!

Holy shit. Its real. And people are getting them, on purpose!This is the new national ID card. With a little chip in it that that's pretty controversial. Its called RFID. Google that. The half wit rep...
Posted by Master Of None on Fri, 12 Sep 2008 06:27:00 PST

Its "Leave", You Idiot.

Posted by Master Of None on Sat, 16 Aug 2008 02:32:00 PST

The Jam

So I dropped my partner Jimmy and his bike home on my way back from work. Steph was in the kitchen canning stuff in jars. She gave me blackberry jam. I flew home and made 6 pieces of toast and housed ...
Posted by Master Of None on Thu, 14 Aug 2008 02:55:00 PST

Don’t be trashy

Recycle. Where does she get all these shirts?
Posted by Master Of None on Sat, 09 Aug 2008 08:36:00 PST

News flash, T-Shirt girl has a shirt that ISN"T amazing.

The review is in, from me. Guess lil' miss Smarty Shirts can't hit a home run every time....
Posted by Master Of None on Wed, 06 Aug 2008 09:09:00 PST

Werewolves of London.

I saw a werewolf with a Chinese menu in his handWalking through the streets of Soho in the rainHe was looking for a place called Going to get himself a big dish of beef chow mein....
Posted by Master Of None on Sun, 27 Jul 2008 08:32:00 PST

Environmentally friendly Smarty Shirts.

T-Shirt Girl does it again.
Posted by Master Of None on Fri, 25 Jul 2008 01:12:00 PST

Sorry if I repeat myself.

Sorry if I repeat myself. I'm just not able to deal with certain things very well. One of those things is being heartbroken. Only one woman has ever made me feel this shitty, and I wonder why I am sti...
Posted by Master Of None on Thu, 26 Jun 2008 01:27:00 PST

Too many Rob’s in Modena (or: take your daddy to work day)

So my dad's here for a visit, and I put his ass to work today. He makes the uniform look good. I might have to hire him....
Posted by Master Of None on Sat, 21 Jun 2008 07:15:00 PST

What’s the chance of this happening?

So me and Davey D were in Triple Fresh, talkin about my car and the fact that it has a CB antenna on it. It's unusual for a Mercedes owner to use a CB, they're more commonly found on primer gray Ford ...
Posted by Master Of None on Sat, 21 Jun 2008 07:11:00 PST