TMA- 1 profile picture

TMA- 1

About Me

One day I was walking down the street, so stoned that I went back home and started playing topgear2 for hours. I got bored of the same 3 or 4 AMAZING songs inside that glorious game; so I got high again and composed some stuff to see what happened if I played this new tunes over the muted game. Then I smoked again and went out to walk down the street. real editor best profile tools real editor best profile tools

How I made my profile:
I used Dave & Jay's amazing myspace editor .

My Interests


Member Since: 05/04/2008
Band Website:
Influences: la pistola de mierda que asesina patos.el degenerado fontanero adicto a las callampas.el orejas de cuchillo que toca la ocarina.el chicle esférico de frutilla.el robot que dispara con las "manos".
Sounds Like:*Creditos por este arte excelso en amarillo para el temible CINTURON NEGRO, visitelo, no sea un jetulio :*Thanx for the yellow pic in the slide photo thing to the mighty CINTURON NEGRO, visit him, dont be a JETULIO:
Record Label: Unsigned
Type of Label: Major

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