Muscle cars, Guitars, All sorts of music
I would like to meet Prince. It would be way cool to hang out and record with him for a day. I would like to meet the guy that told america that the lottery would go for supporting the public school system. He is a liar. If I ever met up with that dick I would kick his ass, and give that money to the kids.
My favorite groups and or bands , would be Prince , Pink Floyd and the beatles. I love just about any song that can combine record scratching and a heavy guitar riff at the same time.
I just dont have the time to watch movie's . But I did like Joe Dirt alot.
I like that show king of queens . I never can remember the name so I have always called it Hottie and the Fat guy. The people around me know what I mean.
I haven't sat down with a book in years. But when I come in to the record store I see the girl that works for me reading all the time. You might know her as Mrs rolly polly. Hey Kristin get back to work.
The only person I would ever put on a stage and preach for would be my mom.