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Camilla Belle,Lizzy Caplan, Green Day(Billie Joe),Johnny Depp, My Chemical Romance, Johnny Knoxville, and MISTER RIGHT
Whats does your personality rate from 1-10? by morning_prayer
Your first full name
Your personality rates a nine =)
your best quality is youre hilarious
your worst quality is you rock! theres nothing bad
this is because other people influenced you
Quiz created with MemeGen !
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I really enjoy the following: Greenday,Slipknot, Simple Plan,My Chemical Romance(MCR), ect.
All Johnny Depp movies, horrors:Nightmare on Elm Street. My FAVORITE MOVIE IS: Nightmare on Elm Street 3.Also Dukes of Hazzard,and Mean Girls! Anything with Lizzy Caplan in it! also When A Stranger Calls
7th Heaven,Related,Spongbob, The Real World on MTV, Smallville, MADE
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