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about traction
When we founded STICKMAN Entertainment three years ago, our mission was simple ... how can we make games sound better? Alex was just off the tour bus from INCUBUS, and we worked for companies -- like THQ -- writing custom music for games ... but somehow hour-long preset soundtracks just didn't cut it for gamers who play 100+ HOURS a month.
So we said, hey, what if gamers could choose from multiple channels of new, breaking music in a bunch of genres? And what if we organized the music by its intensity level, so that gamers could match the music intensity to the game they are playing or the mood they are in? Sounds like a great idea, right?
So we talked to our friends in the music industry, and went back to our colleagues in the gaming industry, and TRACTION Radio was born.
We've spent the last year working with radio experts building and designing a global radio network that features a unique radio player which streams CD-quality music at low bit rates so that it doesn't interrupt gameplay. We added the best new music to our library and talked to record labels, djs and musicians, and everyone was stoked.
Keep your suggestions, comments and questions coming! We want to hear from you so that we can continually improve!
people that think we are badass [ href=" NlLmNvbS9pbmRleC5jZ m0/ZnVzZWFjdGlvbj1pbnZpdGUuYWRkZnJpZW5kX3ZlcmlmeSZmcmllbmRJR D0zNjU4MjkyMw=="become one ] ..
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