Divine ♥ Intervention. profile picture

Divine ♥ Intervention.


About Me

"Just remember,keep it together". You'll either love me or hate me, there is no in between. I hate drama. Cause it && i'll call you out on it. Never lie to me. I'll never forgive you. I'm a nice person once you get to know me. I never jude a book by its cover && I take the time to get to know someone before I judge them. Call me "Emo" && I'll stab you with a gun. Actually NEVER label me. I am me && thats all. If you dont like who I am or how I act,dont talk to me. Its that simple. Music=Life for me. I go to more shows then the normal girl. Friends are my anti-drug. Dont mess wiht them I will hurt you. I'm a nice person really I am just dont give me a reason not to be. &cbitwlayouts

My Interests

We grow up. We learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back.I'm white, so I must not be able to say, nigga, spic, beaner, wetback..but I am called cracker or redneck.I'm skinny, so I must be bulemic/anorexic.I'm emo, so I must cut my wrists.I'm black, so I must be on welfare.I'm Hispanic, so I must be dirty.I'm Asian, so I must love math.I'm Jewish, so I must be greedy.I'm gay, so I must have AIDS.I'm a lesbian, so I must live in San Francisco.I'm Arab, so I must be a terrorist.I'm a single mom, so I must be a slut.I'm old, so I probably cant drive.I'm overweight, so I likely have a problem with self control.I'm religious, so I must shove my beliefs down your throat.I'm republican, so I must not care about poor people.I'm democrat, so I must not believe in being responsible.I'm from the south, so I must be white trash.I take anti-deppressants, so I must be crazy.I'm a man, so I only want to get into your pants.I'm a woman, so I must think irrationally.I'm Irish, so I must have a bad drinking problem.I'm Indian, so I must own a 7-11.I'm Native American, so I must dance around a fire screaming like a savage, or be apart of a gaming casino.I dont live with my child, so I must be a dead beat dad.I'm athletic, so I must be stupid.I'm a prep, so I must eat and breathe Abercrombie and Fitch.I'm a teenager, so I must drink and do drugs.I'm a cheerleader, so I must be a whore.I get good grades, so I must be a loser.I'm a punk, so I must do drugs.I'm young, so I must be naive.I'm rich, so I must be a snob, conceided.I wear black, so I must be gothic.I smell, so I must be a hobo.I'm mexican so I must mow yards.Bottom line is that sterotypes are wrong DON'T LABEL ME

I'd like to meet:

That one special boy.


My Chemical Romance's Myspace Page" target="_blank".... width="425" height="350" ..


Haha Thanks Ash.


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My Blog


ok so skool..... today was funny... ok so last sunday nigh ti fell down my stairs...... ok and my ass still hurts but i think i did something to my left leg too.... cuz today it just stared hurtinmg a...
Posted by Divine ♥ Intervention. on Wed, 09 Nov 2005 01:57:00 PST