About Me
MY HISTORY:Born the second son to Rolly and Peggy Gardner in Baltimore, Maryland, Guy was always considered second best. Guy's only other sibling was the supposedly model son. Guy usually earned either his father's apathy or anger. Guy first tried to win approval from his father by getting good grades in school. Once Guy figured out that he could not win he turned into a rebel. Guy started stealing cars, getting into fights and dropped out of high school. When Guy turned 18 he stole a car and was caught. Instead of going to jail the two cops took Guy to face his brother, Mace - who was a police officier. Mace knocked a handcuff Guy around, then gave Guy some money to help him turn his life around. Guy actually followed this brother advice, and credited Mace with saving his life. Guy worked several jobs and got his high school equivalency. Guy then worked his way through college, earning two bachelors degrees in education and pyschology, while occassionally reading engineering books, and participating in baseball, gymnastics, and football- in which he became an All American.After Guy graduated he came back to Baltimore and became a teacher at Baltimore High. Guy was a favorite teacher with many of the students, as he truly cared about them and their future. On a school trip that Guy chaperoned to California, Guy was injured trying to save one of his student's during an earthquake. Both Guy and the student were on a bridge that collapsed, and were saved from death by Green Lantern Hal Jordan. Hal recognized Guy as his alternate Green Lantern, a position Guy was unaware that he held. Due to Guy's injury, Guy was passed over as Earth's alternate Green Lantern in favor of John Stewart. After many months of being bed-ridden Guy recovered enough to walk with a cane. During this time he met psychic Kari Limbo, who informed him he was heir to a great tradition involving the color green. Guy and Kari started dating, and during the summer when Guy was off from teaching he travelled the country with Kari. It was on one of these trips, in New Mexico, when Guy first told of his love to Kari. At a later date in Coast City Guy was proposing to Kari when they were interrupted by a future timetraveling Guy and companions. Later on Guy was contacted by Hal Jordan and was informed that he was an alternate Green Lantern. Hal gave Guy a GL ring and informed him where his battery was while Hal was heading to Oa to check into power problems he was having. Unbeknownest to Hal, the problem was with his battery. When Guy tried to recharge his ring with Hal's battery he was thrown into the phantom zone.In consequence to Guy's being thrown into the phantom zone and later being tortured by Sinestro, Guy suffered brain damage. During this time, though, Guy fought and defeated the interdimensional demon Sapol who was trying to find a way to Earth to conquer this dimension. Hal in the meantime came back to Earth but was not able to stop Guy from charging his ring with the bad battery. Guy was presumed dead, and Hal went to inform Kari of Guy's fate. Kari was quite upset, but then latched onto Hal as the closest person resembling Guy. Hal had broken up with Carol Ferris and willingly entered into a relationship with Kari. It was on Hal and Kari's wedding day that Guy psychic attempts to reach Kari finally paid off. Guy was able to see Hal and Kari in the dimension he was in, but try as he may he had only been able to make Kari pause briefly with his attempts to communicate. At Kari's wedding, though, she went into a trance and scratched out in the dirt the shape of the phantom zone projector. Hal and Superman then went into the phantom zone and discovered Guy was still alive. Hal launched a plan to get Guy back, and fought Sinestro and a braindamaged and angry Guy. Hal defeated Sinestro and brought Guy back to Earth but Guy was in a coma. Kari tried to communicate with Guy psychically but he had shut himself off to her. Guy stayed in the coma for several years, but had not shut all his psychic awareness off for he heard the GL call to battle against Krona but could not respond. Guy was finally brought out of his coma by a faction of the Guardians to be their tool during the Crisis of Infinite Earths.Now you
can meet me for a drink at me pub laddy!! Asskicking is always on the house....lol..!!Guy Gardner Reborn
Eventually, forced to forfeit his Green Lantern ring after a grudge fight with Jordan, Gardner set out on a quest to regain his power and identity. With the help of Lobo, Gardner acquired the yellow power ring of Sinestro from Oa's Crypt of the Green Lantern Corps, and he began to use that ring. The yellow ring did not use a battery to recharge, but actually needed to be used against Green Lanterns to restore power. Gardner found this out by accident when a member of the GLC fought him while he had absolutely no power.As the yellow ring of Sinestro spoke Sinestro's native language, Gardner was entirely unable to communicate with the ring, although it seemed to understand him to a degree.Gardner only wore the yellow ring for a short while.It was while he had the yellow power ring that Doomsday first appeared. Gardner was with the Justice League at the time. and when Doomsday caused Blue Beetle's craft to crash, Gardner did not wait for the rest of the team. He charged straight in, and was quickly overwhelmed by Doomsday, who pummeled him badly before tearing through the rest of the team.[4] Guy, his face beaten so badly he could barely see, continued in the fight, but was put down again.[5] Guy was forced to sit the rest of the battle out, taken off in an ambulance, but insisting that Superman put Doomsday down.[6]Guy, although never close friends with the Man of Steel, mourned his death along with the rest of the League.[7] He gathered for Superman's funeral in Metropolis and walked in the honor guard along with the League.[8] Shortly thereafter, while in Chicago, Guy became aware of four super powered beings all claiming to be Superman returned from the dead. Infuriated at what he regarded as pretenders disrespecting the memory of Superman, Guy decided to take action. He went to Metropolis and encountered "The Last Son of Krytpon," (later revealed to be the Eradicator) and challenged him to a fight. Impressed with the shaded Superman's prowess and with the brutality he exhibited in defeating some common thugs, Guy was willing to endorse him as the real Man of Steel. When the Cyborg Superman framed the Eradicator for the destruction of Coast City, Guy was the one member of the League who refused to believe the charge. Nevertheless, he went along with the League when they were lured away from Earth in a ruse by the Cyborg.[9]Warrior years
When Hal Jordan destroyed the Green Lantern Corps and became Parallax, Guy Gardner led a group of heroes to Oa to find out what had happened. In battling Parallax, Guy Gardner's ring was destroyed and he was forced to find an alternate means to acquire power.On Earth, Ganthet first came to Guy Gardner to offer him the last Green Lantern power ring. When Gardner refused, Ganthet chose Kyle Rayner.On an expedition to the Amazon with a rich entrepreneur, Gardner found a chalice in a cave. Having drunk from it, he was to become Warrior. Gardner discovered that his past was not what he thought it was. He was actually the descendant of a space-traveling race called the Vuldarians. This discovery eventually led him to discover new powers within himself. These powers allowed him to resume his role as a superhero. He also established a superhero theme bar called Warrior's, as both a source of income and a base between his adventures.His early days as Warrior saw him struggling with his newfound powers. He had difficulty changing his body to any kind of weapon, and these transformations sometimes caused him pain. After a breakdown that led to a confrontation with Superman and Supergirl, with some soul-searching help from his ancestor, Gardner finally came into his own, able to use his new powers and was able to form just about any tactical non-energy based weapon from his body, from guns to bombs, as well as absorb some forms of energy and redirect them through his various 'weapons'. Another ability, the knowledge of warriors from across space and time, was rarely used.It was during this time that Gardner fought against Dementor, a "brother" of sorts, in that he was also a product of Vuldarian breeding. (Dementor's father raped a woman who carried the Vuldarian seed, and Dementor was born.) Dementor was sent to Hell, but eventually revealed that he was the one responsible for Gardner's constant personality shifts. He finally dealt with his "family", as well as revealed another side of his Vuldarian powers, the ability to heal mortal wounds, such as regenerating a heart.He was seemingly killed during during Imperiex's attack on Earth. However he was later discovered to be trapped in a pocket of Hell in General Zod's country of Pokolistan. After freeing himself from this, his Warrior powers were seemingly boosted. He declared it was his job to do things heroes like Superman couldn't.Return to the Corps
Gardner's Vuldarian DNA was strangely overwritten by his human DNA when Parallax possessed Gardner and several Green Lanterns. Hal Jordan's ring split in two and Gardner's ring was restored to him. Eventually, Parallax was defeated by the combined effort of all five active Green Lanterns, including Gardner. The Guardians then selected Gardner as one of the senior officers of the new Green Lantern Corps.The Guardians assigned Gardner to be one of the Corps' three main instructors, along with Kilowog, and Kyle Rayner. The trio was responsible for the training of the new Corps, to which the Guardians intend to name 7,200 members. Gardner was not at all appreciative of his new role, and when he complained to the Guardians, they told him that success in training new recruits could lead to him being given a new positionGardner played a significant role in defeating the Spider Guild attack on Oa. Discovering that trainee Soranik Natu had disappeared into the forbidden Vega star system, which the Guardians' pact with the Psions of Vega forbade Green Lanterns from entering, Gardner and Kyle Rayner led a rescue mission in direct violation of Oan policy. Once there, the Lanterns discovered the Spider Guild Nest and determined that its next target would be the Oan sun. Returning just as the attack commenced, Gardner gathered the frightened trainee Green Lanterns and rallied them with a speech that impressed even his long time rival, Hal Jordan. Gardner's performance in repelling the attack resulted in his promotion to Lantern #1 of the Green Lantern Honor Guard, a position of authority over other Lanterns. In this new role, Gardner was expected to "think outside the box" and "do the jobs other Lanterns couldn't", a function well-suited to his irascible personality.In his new role as Lantern #1, Guy led the Corps in the defense of Oa against Superboy-Prime, creating a wall of energy to slow the rampaging teen and calling a "code 54", authorizing the use of extreme force. Guy supervised the final capture and imprisonment of Superboy-Prime, locking the dangerous alternate Superboy in a red Sun Eater provided by Donna Troy and organizing a constant watch of 50 Lanterns to keep him imprisoned.He currently sees to the training and well-being of the new and current Green Lantern Corps.