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My ancestors. I feel a great connection to them and have learned a lot about them that makes me want to meet and talk to them.And I would like to meet Loretta Lynn, I think we would be good friends.
I like different kinds of music but country is my favorite. I like understanding the words. Although some of the words are a little silly. But most of it is down to earth. I like old and new country. I also like oldies. 60's and 70's.
It would be too bad if I didn't like movies. We go once a week. It's my husbands way of forgetting all the stress. We see everything that comes out. Good and bad. I guess I like the chick flicks. But I do like all of his, too. One of my favorites is Coal Miners Daughter. I also like Shanondoia.
I don't get to watch too much TV. I listen to a lot of cartoons and History channel. I sometimes watch David Letterman or Jay Leno at night when no one is up to change the channel. I used to get to watch the scrapbooking channel but that came to an end. Sometimes a late night movie. Really late- when I've had one too many Pepcies.
Reading-what's that. Oh yea, that's when you sit down in a quiet place and open a book and read for hours. I used to do that years ago. I like self help books and biographies. I read a lot of church books. I teach a lesson for my church and have to do a lot of reading for that. I don't get to read much for pleasure.
Oh,gosh! There's a lot. My mom who raised us almost alone. I never realized what a feat that was until I had my own. She's great.My grandparents who helped raise my brother and sister and me for four years. Again, I didn't realize how amazing that was until I had to do it myself. They were also great examples to me and the rest of my family. They were hard working , honest people who would never take advantage of anyone and who never said a bad thing about anyone. Everyone knew them and loved and trusted them. I only wish my children could have known them as I did. Both sets of my grandparents were great people. I just knew one better than the other.My children are also my heros. It's quit a challenge starting life on your own and getting married and having children. There's so much to deal with these days. So much to protect your children from. You can try so hard and sometimes they just don't get it. You just have to do the best you can and pray a lot. Everyone comes into this world with their free agency and by gosh they are going to use it.