tracey profile picture


its out of reach and in the dark

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests

music*photos*beer*gigs*pubs*diners*dive bars*pool*dancing*adventures*kittycats*

I'd like to meet:

my elvish betrothed


JANES ADDICTION*The Mars Volta*FAITH NO MORE*GUNS N ROSES*Mr Bungle*the cure*Beats of Bourbon*fantomas*AC/DC*eddie cochran*a place to bury strangers*Nirvana*stray cats*tiger army*The Strokes*new york dolls *Bowie*modern lovers*Soundgarden*slipknot*clutch*interpol*sex pistols*Ramones*beautiful Jeff Buckley*the mark of cain*fugazi*Led Zepplin*pantera*converge*the bronx*rage against the machine*Tool*Metallica*bjork*the rapture* Rolling Stones*Sabbath*on, and, on..


James Edwin Thomas