The I ever go!
Cheesy Movies
Physical Activities
Randolph Duke
If I can't get it onto my iPod...then I don't like it.
This is my favorite feature film of all time!
My favorite internet stream of all time!
...and this is pretty funny too.
Lived without it for two years, and now I can't stop watching it...PLEASE HELP!! What is this oddly addicting show called American Idol? (j/k)!
Wasn’t very interesting at first, but it turns out to be a great read. Lots of social commentary. It is definitely not your mother's Wizard of OZ. Think WOZ meets Animal Farm. I am not exactly sure how they made this into a family themed theatrical production.
Very Funny! A kid who grows up with a mental family. I can't wait until the movie is released. Good recommendation by a former boss and close friend of mine. And the best part is the book only cost $5! Thanks B&N.
When Do-It-Yourself fails: It's all Ikea baby!