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Scott the Gimp

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

People take this guy seriously? REALLY?!!!..
I am weird and a dork. I have a bizarre sense of humor... but it makes me laugh, so it is cool with me. I have worked in the psychological field for almost 7 years. I actually got my first job in psych on 9/11/01. No lie. They asked me what I was doing. I told them watching buildings fall. She asked if that was for real because a lot of the psych patients were claiming it and she wasn't sure what they were talking about. Then asked me if I wanted the job. I told her... I am not sure what kind of omen this is, but I would love to have the job. I told her I guess I'll find out if it was a good omen or not. So I easily remember my first job in psych. I love it. It is my passion. I have always worked for nonprofit organizations who are Baker Act receiving facilities. (for those outside of FL it is the Act that allows for you to be admitted against your will. Your state has one too just a different name.) So we get money from the state and city. And definitely not a lot of money. But I love it. I help those most in need of help. I see my work as a second chance. People come in at the worst possible moment in their life and I along with others help them to rebuild their lives to something better and more manageable. The worst part is working with the children. They have seen things no person, whether adult or child, should ever see. It is painful to hear their stories, but I also think about how what difference I can make to improve their life and that helps me to perceiver. The pay is crap. LoL! So I am now going back to school so I can eventually get my Psychiatric ARNP. Then I can finally work psych and actually make some money at it. LoL! I have worked from the bottom of the field up. I joke at the place that I work at that I will have worked every job that they have by the time I retire. I also like to pick lint out of my belly button... but only after I have accumulated a decent amount. Then I can add it to my collection... but don't tell my wife... she isn't allowed in that room of the house... it is my private room. I like to listen to The Young Turks. Check them out here... Sadly I live in Redneckville,FL and they don't allow us to have liberal radio here. So I have to turn to the internets. Hopefully I can be Cenk's IHOP errand boy. My parents always told me to dream big. I am a big, funny, dork. I like quiet walks along the beach. I like sitting in the park during sunsets. My turn-ons are strong-backed women, soft lips, and a hunchback. Mmmmm... hunchback. My turn-offs are people who mock the "Hoff", American Idol, and the inane clatter of babies! Tape their mouths shut. They have nothing of use to say. WTF is Bah bah? Or that philbuilibiah? Huh! WHAT Is THIS I ASK YOU!!!

My Interests

WATCH THE YOUNG TURKS AND THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH! GET IN THE KNOW! Lounging w/ my wife, Camping!!! Meditating on Pensacola beach at night, playing pool, movies, spending hours listening to music, writing, theological and philosophical exploration, vegging in front of the comp, Psychology!!, helping those most in need.

I'd like to meet:

Men: Eh... I am pretty open. I am glad to meet anyone. I get along with most ppl... except those ppl that I loath... and you know who you are!!! I can laugh at pretty much anything, and I am pretty into politics, football, and Video games and D&D crap too. So I pretty much run the gammit.Women: I like women who are easy and in to having threesomes (2 girls and me)! ... and... ya that is about it. J/K. It is pretty much the same thing as guys. I am married so I am not looking to date. I am a harmless flirt... though it doesn't appear that I am picky about the sex of one whom I am flirting with. I like to laugh and have fun.


Cursive, Ani Difranco, Sunny Day Real Estate, Jack Johnson, Pedro the Lion, Tori Amos, Ben Folds Five, Cat Power, Pavement, Modest Mouse, Jimi Hendrix, Pink Floyd, U2, Beatles, Velvet Underground, The Byrds, The Afgan Whigs, Dave Matthews Band, The Cure, Depeche Mode, Finch, Thursday, A Perfect Circle, Tool, Type O Negative, At the Drive In, Babylon Zoo, Badly Drawn Boy, Nick Drake, Bjork, Janes Addiction, My Life with the Thrill Kill Cult, Nine Inch Nails, Blind Melon, Bob Dylan, Bob Marley, Braid, By a Thread, Bright Eyes, Dashboard Confessional, Bruce Springstien (70's), Built to Spill, Calla, Cold, Coldplay, David Bowie, Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, Dismemberment Plan, Doleful Lions, The Doors, Elliot Smith, Elvis Castello, Embrace, Fugazi, Jeremy Enigk, Enya, Eric Clapton, Everclear, Fionna Apple, Fleetwood Mac, Floater, Frank Zappa, Futher Seems Forever, Idaho, Jeff Buckley, Super Chunk, Jim Croche, Joy Drop, Zeppelin, Liz Phair, Luscious Jackson, Man... or Astroman, Mazzy Star, Morrissey, Lemonheads, The Smiths, Neil Young, Our Lady Peace, Pearl Jam, Pennywise, Pixies, Portishead, Psychadelic Furs, Love Spit Love, Radio Head, Rage Against the Machine, Razed in Black, REM, Sebadoh, Shipping News, Sigur Ros, Snake River Conspiracy, Soul Coughing, Sublime, The Get Up Kids, The Rolling Stones, VAST, Weezer, White Stripes, The Strokes, Wyclef Jean, Outcast, Zwan.


Eeeegad! Way to many to say. What Dreams May Come, Waking Life, Rejected, Beautiful Girls, Before Sunrise, Dead Poets Society, 12 Monkey, Seven, Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels, Snatch, Boondock Saints, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, When Harry Met Sally, Matrix, Lord of the Rings trilogy, Star Wars, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon!!!, Far and Away, Say Anything, High Fidelity, Pirates of the Carribean, Blow, Ed Wood, Gods and Monsters, Still Breathing, Platoon, Benny and Joon, The Salton Sea, Dark City, The Crow, Ruchmore, The Royal Tenenbaums, She's Having a Baby, Caddyshack, Flatliners, Reality Bites, Magnolia, The Ice Storm, Amelie, Fight Club, The Green Mile, Monty Python Search for the Holy Grail, The Fisher King, Good Will Hunting, Braveheart, Happy Gilmore, The Waterboy, Annie Hall, Punch Drunk Love, Hard Eight, Taxi Driver, Godfather (ALL OF THEM, even though 3 was kinda weak), Bringing Out the Dead, The Exorcist, A Bronx Tale, Real Genius, The Doors, Singles, Tombstone, Willow!!!, The Secret of Nymn, Jerry Maguire, Almost Famous... and still MANY more!!!


The Fall, The Toa of Pooh, The Te of Piglet, Dinner at the Homesick Resturant, Interview with the Vampire, The Legend of Drizzt series.


Thomas Jefferson and Franklin D. RooseveltOh ya and Spanky McCrotchgrabber the dirty old man who lived down the street from me and taught me to whittle.

My Blog

Condi Must GO Hey guys you need to check this out! Watch this and sign the petition to have Condi Rice removed. Go to and sign the petition...
Posted by Scott the Gimp on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 01:30:00 PST

Time passes the world changes, but some how we manage to stay the same.

As of 4/13/08, the death tally in Iraq is up to 4033. I use tally because Random House Unabridged Dictionary defines it as an account or reckoning; a record of debit and credit, of the score of a ga...
Posted by Scott the Gimp on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 11:00:00 PST

Thank God we have the Republicans protecting Family Values.

With people like Bill Clinton and former NY Gov. Spitzer thank God we have the republicans protecting wholesome family values.  Thank God there is McCain who is for family values.  Because w...
Posted by Scott the Gimp on Fri, 11 Apr 2008 07:05:00 PST


So, the past two days I’ve been calling everyone trying to get this insurance issue fixed.  But basically what I found out was that it is up to JU (Jacksonville University) to request a ref...
Posted by Scott the Gimp on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 09:04:00 PST

Don’t read if sensitive to vulgar language... I am pissed at JU!

OMFGDIMFPOSAW!!!  Translation... Oh my fucking God damn it mother fucking piece of shit ass whipe!  I am SOOOO fucking pissed!  Ok... So I go to Jacksonville University.  Btw... th...
Posted by Scott the Gimp on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 07:44:00 PST

Democratic results.

Ok. It is March 5th!!! The results are in! In doing the math... Hillary has no chance of winning what so ever unless she landslides EVERY state that is left. Yeah she won Ohio. Yeah she won Rhode Isla...
Posted by Scott the Gimp on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 05:44:00 PST

We’ve been failed again!

So here is the final update on the FISA issue. So I know, I know. Bush was saying that we are going to be bombed now because FISA wasn't reinstated. But unfortunately the American public is too unedu...
Posted by Scott the Gimp on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 05:41:00 PST

And the Winner is... !

So I watched the Oscars Sunday. I know I am a day late in writing this but when have you known me to not procrastinate or be lazy? That's right. Ok so first... I totally didn't watch the red carpet cr...
Posted by Scott the Gimp on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 08:13:00 PST

A stripper wins an Oscar.

So the F what!  I am tired of hearing people and critics complaining about a stripper winning for best original script.  And who freaking cares if this spurs thousands of strippers to start ...
Posted by Scott the Gimp on Mon, 25 Feb 2008 08:41:00 PST

Say it ain’t so Joe... Say it ain’t So!!! Nader round two.

So the latest News. I am watching Meet the Press as I do every Sunday, along with all the other Sunday political shows. And what do I see, but Ralph Nader. Ok cool. We are going to here what he think...
Posted by Scott the Gimp on Mon, 25 Feb 2008 05:36:00 PST