heather(ette) profile picture


Voz e Imagen de heather pruess

About Me

As far as Amtrak is concerned, I am referred to as Chief Master Sgt.

My Interests

Dignity. Hearing new music. Walking. Potlucks are great. My friends make me so happy. I like the idea of being a catalyst in a really good way. And, I am really interested in liking the smells of both rosemary, rainy pine trees, certain boys and linen that's been in the closet for a really long time. Not stale, but linen-y, dig?


I like it. Yo la Tengo, Midnight Movies, Band of Horses, The Coup,the Feelings, Barbara Manning, The Gossip, Papercuts, holy shit, mr. sufjan stevens, the Velvet Underground, Archers of Loaf, Sly and the Fam. Stone, The Owls, Midlake, Joanna Newsom, Ambulance, David Bowie, Bikini Kill, Reigning Sound, RATATAT, The Roots, neil young, elliot smith, quasi, magnetic fields and stevie merrit in general, mt. goats, magnolia electric co., Will Oldham and associated projects, like Bonny 'Prince' Billy and Palace and Palace Bros., heatmiser, halo benders, the notwist, le tigre, blonde redhead, aimee mann, low, manu chao, helium, built to spill, a cure for hiccups, the kinks, euphoria. lalalalalalala


Some of the ones I can think of: Fame (I just watched it!), Capote, La Mala Educacion, Open Hearts, Goonies, American Splendor, In the Mood for Love, Fast, Cheap and Out of Control, Hearts and Minds, Princess Bride, Labrynth, Rushmore, The Station Agent, Made In America.


Daria! Six Feet Under! The Office (British version, never seen the U.S. copy)! Coupling!!!!!!!!!! Daily Show, Project Runway.


Goodnight Moon


John, Nancy and Jennifer Pruess. Joan Didion. Amy Goodman, Cat Power and Terry Tempest Williams. Dennis Kucinich because he said something really poignant about how dehumanization is never a one-way street. (Not like that of course. My brain hurts when I try to recount really articulate thoughts), Emma Goldman. And nice people. I really like nice people.

My Blog

Oui! Put your leg on it.

Once again I take out a heady, contradictory mix of boredom and stress over things I need to to do on a blog. Friend W. sent me music and there are two songs I can't stop listening to:Air-The Owls. I...
Posted by heather(ette) on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 10:00:00 PST

Easy like Sunday afternoon

Hola, hola!Randy, Emily, Bear and I went to Mt. Tabor for a walk-about and to watch the sunset Sunday:Emily is barely visible in the last photo, but she's there. Randy says it's their very first phot...
Posted by heather(ette) on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 09:56:00 PST

Oaxaca action appeal

The first part is a personal email from Anna--via Jamie--who is living in Oaxaca.  Hello all.I am sorry to be sending more Urgent Action Appeals.  This is veryimportant, however, considering the event...
Posted by heather(ette) on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 01:11:00 PST

at the end of it all she will understand me

I'm listening to early Depeche Mode (so fucking good). There wasn't much choice in the matter. I woke up, noted the gray sky and it just seemed like the appropriate thing to do, you know? I also ha...
Posted by heather(ette) on Fri, 10 Nov 2006 11:16:00 PST

riding in the hood

I hope this works...we had fun on the 'ween. ...
Posted by heather(ette) on Mon, 30 Oct 2006 11:58:00 PST

The Reddest Place in America

Where is the reddest place in the States? That's right kiddies, it's my personal launchpad: Rexburg, ID. Read the article and then feel free to send me tokens of sympathy. http://www.salon.com/news...
Posted by heather(ette) on Fri, 27 Oct 2006 01:02:00 PST

the joy is all mine

This may appear to be just a wee little blog entry, but what it holds is bigger than a million long words all strung together:  a big, gigantic thanks to the ladies at gofugyourself.com.  Th...
Posted by heather(ette) on Wed, 25 Oct 2006 01:11:00 PST


Holy shit, Helen Chenoweth-Hage died.    
Posted by heather(ette) on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 02:11:00 PST

I can see for miles and miles

Well, I for one never thought the day would come, but yes, it has been confirmed: I will graduate!  Just three classes to go after this quarter and I will be free to pay back the thousands of dol...
Posted by heather(ette) on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 10:34:00 PST

voy a regresar al otro lado

I just finished putting the finishing touches on my return ticket(s) home. I arrive in Portland on Tuesday.I woke up to what I'm pretty sure were gunshots last night. I flew out of bed and ran to th...
Posted by heather(ette) on Mon, 28 Aug 2006 11:12:00 PST