911 dispatching, adoption, alton brown, angels, anime, art, bellydancing, books, candles, cats, cheesecake, chocolate, classical music, computers, cooking, craniosacral therapy, fantasy, fire, foodtv, forests, healing, henna tattoos, hockey, ipods, karaoke, kilts, languages, latin, law enforcement, lush cosmetics, magick, men in kilts, mountains, npr, raynaud's phenomenon, ren faires, sapiosexuality, seattle, sign language, sushi, tivo, travel, unicursal labyrinths, utilikilts, violas, violins, volkswagens
Looking for old friends from school, always willing and happy to meet new friends!
Barenaked Ladies, Moxy Fruvous, Fiona Apple, Nickel Creek, Gaia Consort, Adiemus, Angie Aparo, Dead Can Dance, Delerium, Vienna Teng, Propellerheads, October Project, Great Big Sea, Carbon Leaf, Zero 7, Gaelic Storm, The Ditty Bops, K.T. Tunstall
Lord of the Rings Trilogy, The Last Unicorn, Waking Ned Devine, The Princess Bride, What Dreams May Come, The Fifth Element, Chocolat, Dangerous Beauty, WALL-E
House, M.D., The West Wing, Mythbusters, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Firefly, Doctor Who, Farscape, Monster House, Battlestar Galactica, Stargate: SG-1, Stargate: Atlantis, Good Eats, Iron Chef, Iron Chef America, Babylon 5, Cowboy Bebop, Neon Genesis Evangelion
Good Omens, The Warrior's Apprentice, Daughter of the Blood, The Mists of Avalon, Kushiel's Dart, Daughter of the Forest, Snow Crash, Number of the Beast, The Princess Bride, The Eyre Affair, A Song for Arbonne, Archangel