anime, music, reading, engineering, cats, crafts, movies, cooking, engines, power production, nifty little factoids
Loreena McKennitt, Deleyaman, Metallica, Delerium, Gregory Douglass, Cibo Matto, Dido, Dire Straits, Frou Frou, and lots more.
Spirited Away, Quills, The Princess Bride, Equilibrium, assorted bad action flicks, assorted bad chick flicks
Not really a TV person, but I watch Avatar, Good Eats and Stargate when I remember they're on.
Changing Planes by Ursula K. LeGuin, The Lioness Rampant Series, Sunshine by Robin McKinley, anything by Henry Petroski, anything by Terry Pratchett, Neverwhere by Neil Gaimon (try reading it after being in London. So cool!), The Neverending Story, In the Dark Night, I Left My Silent House by Peter Handke