LOVE MUSIC!! I love all types and so does my daughter. My husband is a DJ so we listen to anything and everything!
Chick Flicks!!
I've been really into everything lately. All I have to say is Thank God for the DVR, man, without that I would NOT watch anything. I usually watch whatever I can when my beautiful little girl is asleep during her naptime.
About the only things I have time to read have to do with researching SMA. I devote a good hour of my day reading the Management book I have from John R. Bach, M.D., "Management of Patiens with Neuromuscular Disorders".
I have two heroes in my life. First and foremost, my beautiful daughter Ava-Isabel. She has a genetic disorder called Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA), Type I, which is the most severe form of the disorder. She amazes me everyday at how much she can do and how well she understands life. You wanna know what life is like? Ask my daughter, she'll tell you... My second hero would definitely have to be my husband. He has really stepped up to the plate and has become our pillar of strength. If it weren't for his hard work and willingness to do anything and everything we would probably have nothing...