Any member found excessive team killing, or cheating of any kind will result
in an instant banAny person banned will have 72 hours to submit in writing a plea of why they
should not be bannedA Clan Captain's meeting will be held regarding possible re-enstatment in
Once you have been assigned you Clan Division, you are not to change
Divisions for 120 daysAny players that are dual clan members are to notify the clan leaderAll clan members are to learn, and train once a month with clan captains
regarding new maps, training situations,
tactical simulations.All members are to learn Ten Code radio communication.
Example: 10-20 = what is your locationAll members will given drawn out mapping layoutsall members are to learn Communication Alphabet
Example: A= Adam to Z= Zebra
Each Clan Division will have a ranking system. this title will be placed on your XBOX Live card, name area
Example: Clan Tag = ( CSCi ) Clan Tag = ( CSCs )
Tag name = WarLord1079 Tag name = SnipeShadow01
Division Rank = Infantry ( Lieutenant ) Division Rank = Sniper Core ( Sergeant )players must send semi personal information to clan leader
This is for record keeping purposes as to who is in clan.
Also for an up to date list of Clan members.
Example: Tag name, age, name, and Clan rank ( CSC_ ), favorite maps, weapons