Chelse Crunk™[CHALLENGE] profile picture

Chelse Crunk™[CHALLENGE]


About Me

so, ii'm basiically Chelsea Crunk
ii'm fresher than a fruiit bowl, balliin siince '91 baby!
ii'v got money iin the bank and biitches iin the grave
got a problem?? AYEEE! WALK IIT OUT!
ii'm not perfect.
So don’t expect anythiing from me.
Don’t judge me tiill you know me...
ii'm not who you thiink ii am.
ii'm not a label.
ii'm not a stereotype.
ii'm not an expectatiion.
ii'm one of a kiind!
and ii wiill always surpriise you.
"iimperfection iis beauty.
madness iis geniious.
and iit's better to be absolutely riidiiculous,
than absolutely boriing."
ii pop piills from a pez despencer,
and dance to no musiic...
ii'm a dreamer and ii often forget about realiity,
and ii thiink iit's because ii can't face iit.
ii'm a free spiirt, and not liike
any other young lady you wiill ever meet.
ii garentee that.
For the most part ii beliieve that:
Giirls are lyiing, cheatiing whores.
The majoriity beiing narciissiistiic,
selfiish and drama loviing.
They never know what they want
and the rest of the world
has to suffer as a consequence.
Boys are cocky, emotiionless priicks.
They liie, cheat, and lead on giirls
wiithout any thought for whom they are hurtiing.
Most of them wiill never mature past
the age of twelve year olds.
ii’m lookiing for the certaiin few
people that can prove me wrong.

Please, don’t feed me your liines,
your aggressiions of how much you
hate “fake” people. We’re all fake.
Or perhaps “ediited” iis the proper term.
What iis your myspace page,
iif not an ediit of yourself?
You choose what to iinclude when
you tell others about yourself,
you can make yourself seem liike
anyone else but who you really are.
The personaliity proviided
iisn’t the complete you.
Even your piictures are formatted
and selected to make yourself accepted
by anyone and everyone else.
You’re the artiifiiciial iimage of
what you thiink everyone else would love.
So “friiends”, maybe you’re not fake,
but you sure as hell aren’t real.
XXshut down

My Interests

hahaha diilly bean!!!

love you niiga d! :(


value="" /

cody iidol long♥

savannah rose gugay!♥

thiis giirl iis fuckiing amaziing.

she iis the star to my burst!


ii don't know what ii would

do wiith out her here...

even when ii'm haviing a horriible day

she manages to make everythiing

all better agaiin.


she iis my best friiend iin the whole world!

she iis my "chubii"


fuck wiith her

and you'll get your ass beat to the ground.

ii love you savannah baby!!


Briidjett JoAnn Gollehon♥

Thiis giirl iis amaziing.

ii love the hell out of her

no questiions asked!

she iis one of my bestest friiends!

she was one of the fiirst people

ii meet when ii moved to Ariizona.

and all though we have our share of fiights.

we always seem to make up.

she's liike my siister...

and we'll always be there

for matter what!

we have already gone through

sooo much together, iit's iinsane!

but shes amaziing

[with a capital AZ]


you mean the world to me giirliie!

and don't ever forget that...


we rave iin backyards,

driink tiill all hours of the night

and hiike iin cardboard boxes!

how do you not love that?


ii love her to death.

daryl glenn dewiis♥

he takes my breath away.

ii see hiis adorable face and iit

leaves me speachless.

he makes me feel liike ii

actually matter to someone,

and makes me feel oh so special.

he iis one of the sweetest boys

ii have ever meet.

we are goiing to move away together

and liive iin an amaziing house

wiith a perfect veiiw.


ii wouldn't even care were we liived.

we could liive under a briidge,

or iin a park for all ii care...

anywere wiith hiim, would be fanomiinal.

talkiing to hiim makes

my days worth wiile.

he makes me melt...

hiis smiile leaves me breathless

and hiis compliiments make my heart stop.

he iis one of the maiin reasons

ii wake up iin the morniing,

because ii know at some poiint

ii wiill get a message from hiim

and iit wiill be amaziing.

ii am so glad that ii had

the opportuniity to meet hiim

ii don't know what ii would do

iif ii lost hiim now.

ii love thiis boy to death.

Tyler Joseph Audiiss

"He's my best friiend

best of all best friiends

Do you have a best friiend too?

iit tiickles iin my tummy

He's so jummy jummy.

Hey you should get a best friend too."

thiis song makes me thiink of hiim!

iit just briightens my day

when ii thiink about iit.

he iis truly an amaziig friiend.

probly one of the best guy friiends ii have ever had.

we have the greatest tiimes together.

walkiing home together at

5 iin the morniing soppiing wet.

falliing asleep iin the bed of hiis truck.

jumpiing off my roff at 10:00 into my pool

cause ii was locked/kiicked out.

and he wanted to sneak me iin.

we have had some wacky adventures together!

and deffiinately had our "bad moments"

but those are what made us the friiends we are today

ii wouldn't giive up these

last two years wiith hiis friiendshiip

for anythiing iin the entiire world!

ii would do absolutely anythiing for thiis boy.

as ii know he would for me.

he iis my sugar plum...and ii would diie for hiim.


ii love thiis boy to death.

ii hope he never forgets iit.

Gerriit Adam Bates♥

my biig brother!

he iis the best biig brother anyone could

ever ask for!

hiis jokes make me giiggle

and hiis "bod modiifiicatiions" make me smile!

although we don't get to see eachother

as much anymore...

we always have an amaziing tiime together!


and although he iis the

reason ii'm terriifiied of clowns

because he held me to the couch

and made me watch the moviie "IIT"

when ii was 5 years old,

and told me iif ii diidn't watch the moviie

"IIT" was gonna come and

eat me iin the miiddle of the niight...

ii stiill love hiim wiith all my heart!

he would mess anyone up for me!

[so ii'd watch out, he's crazy]


he iis soooo siilly!

and soo niice!

ii love my ger bear to death!

Dusty bear♥

you are my sunshiine

my only sunshiine.

you make me happy, when skiies are grey.

you'll never know dear

how much ii love you

so pleae don't take my sunshiine away

ii love you bay bay!

nothiing's ever goiing to change that!

you are the most wonderfully amaziing boy

ii have ever meet!

ii love thiis boy to death!!!

Shane wiilson♥


honestly ii don't know were to begiin.

thiis boy leaves me speechless

although ii haven't known hiim long

ii feel soooo iincrediibly comfortable

when he is around.

liike ii can be myself and he won't

judge me or thiink badly of me.

he iis the cutest, most kiind hearted boy

ii thiink ii have ever meet.

he giives my tummy liittle butterfliies

whenever he iis around....

and ii love iit!

just lookiing at hiis piicture above

puts a giigantiic smiile on my face.

when he hugs me ii get all fuzzy iinsiide

and when he smiiles at me

ii just completely melt!

the butterfliies he giives me get me every tiime


he iis so amaziingly adorable

and soo iincredably real

and ii love that about hiim.

when ever we are together there iis

never a dull moment between us.

he keeps me smiiliing and giiggliing

through out our tiime together.

ii would do absolutely anythiing

for thiis boy riight here.

ii adore you baby!

and don't ever forget that


ii love thiis kiid to death!

Douglas wiilliian Dellbroke♥

aka=doug the thug!



thiis boy iis absolutely wonderful!

he iis one of the cutest boys ii have

ever meet iin my liife

he giives amazing hugs to!

even though he is a wiiener sometiimes

ii absolutely love hiim


he puts a huge smiile on my face...

iif you don't liike hiim

then there iis somethiing seriiously

wrong wiith your perspectiive on people.

he iis so niice to just about everyone

and he has an amaziing,

undeniiably wonderful personaliity

iit always makes me smiile!

alpha and lunch soooo

wouldn't be the same

wiithout you "douglar"

(yeah, douglar)

ii would do anythiing for you baby

and don't you forget that!


ii love thiis boy to death!

Zachary Dylan-Oliiver Kiirchem♥

Thiis boy iis siimply stupendouse!

He makes my jaw drop

and my knees weak!


he always knows how to cheer me up

when ii'm down iin the dumps.

We skate forever iin the

Fry's parkiing lot,

and chill iin Mc Donalds

for hours after school!

he makes my tummy all happy

and puts giinormouse smiiles on my face.

he helps me through the roughest

of tiimes, and always knows

how to help me fiix the bad stuff.

not to mentiion he iis

my siimply spectacular "manager"

and always wiill be!


there aren't many other

words to descriibe hiim,

other then completly fanomiinal!

ii would do just about anythiing...

waiit waiit waiit...

scratch that,

ii would do absolutly anythiing

for thiis boy riight here.

ii love hiim more then liife iitself

and nothiing iin a miilliion years

iis ever goiing to change that.

you are so amaziing sugar bear,

and don't ever forget that!

ii love thiis boy to death.

Anna Mariie Schultz♥

oh my gosh!

annaaaaa bananaaaaaaaa!

hehehe, thiis giirl means sooo much to me.

ii admiire her so much.

ii'd deffiinatly be lost wiithout her!

ii always have a blast

hangiing out with her!

especiialy on the bench at arowhead

blastiing gangsta musiic on my iipod

and siingiing diisney toons

at the top of our lungs


she iis one of the most amaziing

people ii have ever meet

iin my entiire liife.

and ii'm deffiinatly gladd

that ii meet thiis giirl!

ii wouldn't giive up meetiing her

for anythiing iin the world

ii love thiis giirl to death.

Michael John Rodriguez♥

lets see, were do i start

this boy is a total doll.

one of my best mates!

he knows just the right things

to say to put a

big ol' smile on my face.

he makes me giggle

alll the time!

and gives amazing hugs!

he makes me chuckle when he says

that the tila tequila song:

"fuck ya man" makes him think of me

although i have only

known him a short time,

i totaly adore him

he is one of the sweetest

young gents i have ever meet.


i love this boy to death.

Cody Idol Long♥


cody fucking idol!

no wait wait wait,

fucking cody idol™


he likes to be diffrent

so fuck has to be first!


this boy is amazing!

he gives me cigaretts

that i accidentaly drop down

the hole in the park benches



and he protects me from big scary dogs

at the park

when i'm scared.

he puts the biggest smile on my face

and i wouldn't give back meeting him

for anything in the world.

he is my little sugar cube!


and he is an absolutly fanominal boy

and anyone who thinks otherwise

is fucking blind

i would do anything

and everything for this boy

i absolutly love him to death!

Xavier Marquis Jones♥

this is one of the most

amazing boys i have

ever seen im my entire life...

i will always love this boy

despite the hurt fellings

and stupid fights...

i dont care what anyone has to say

about him,

he is an amazing persone

with a crazy wonderful heart

and a fanominal personality.

there was never a dull moment

between the two of us.

and i am so thankfull for

the opportunity to have meet him

and become friends with him...

and i dont know what i would do if

i really ever lost him

i absolutly love this boy to peices

corey shane hickman♥

this boy is the deffinition of wonderful...

he is simply fantastic.

he is one of the sweetest

cutest most amazing

people i have ever meet

in my entire life.

he is soooo sweet!

and knows exactly how to

make me fell better

when im upset.

he has helped me through sooo much,

even if he dosnt realize it...

hes been such a big help//part of my life.

he has changed so much for me.

he fills this "void"

in me that seems to keep me down

he has helped me through sooo much

its unreal.

he is a great friend


and an even better listener...

i honestly dont know

what id do without him.

or even worse if i lost him.

i love this boy to death.

Paul barry Tanner

he was my valenitne

and my favorite boy!



this boy right here is....

wow...i dont even know.

he always has something nice to say

especialy when im felling down.

he always knows just what to say

to put a smile on my face...

stuff like:

"your gorgeouse, anyone would love to have you"


"we english boys hate

when people fuck with ChelseaXcrunk"


he is simply wonderful!

one of the best if you ask me.


i love him to death.

cameron Michael Brown♥

this boy is wonderfly fantastic!

one of my best mates!

he allllways makes me simle!

he is sooo silly,

and i absolutly love that about him!

even though he makes fun of me

on ocassion,

i still love him!

he quotes silly movies

and videos with me!

and sings the format in

the mcdonalds parking lot!

we could be anywere and i know that

i would have fun with him...

dosn't matter were it is

we would always make the best of it.


we sit on the phone untill 5:00

in the am talking about absolutly nothing

and having a blast while doing it.

he makes me giggle!


he is an absolutly

magnificante wood pusher!

honestly one of the best i know.

how could you not love that!?

i would do absolutly anything for him.

as i know he would for me!

i love this boy to death!

Seth Israel Cota♥

this boy is simply amazing.

he is one of the nicest sweetest

most amazing boys i have ever come across.

he makes me smile really big!


i can talk about anything and everything

with this child and not feel

like i am stupid because of it.

he is one of those few boys that

actually listen to me when i talk,

and he gives the best hugs ever!

he is so nice...

and wonderfully lush,

it is insane!

if he was any sweeter he would

he would give me cavities!


this boy is amaizng

and anyone who thinks otherwise

is obviously blind.

i would do anything for this child

as i know he would for me.

you have an amazing heart seth!

don't ever change

cause i love you just how you are baby


Stetson fucking amazing♥x

this boy is simply, well...amazing.

he is one of the only children

that i put on a "Petistal"

there isn't much i can say about him

that dosn't make him sound like a "god"


i would do anything to make this boy happy

and put a smile on his cute little face.

he is my doll face,

and i'm his cupcake...

enough said.

i love this boy to death.

Norhan Aziz Youwanes♥


this is miss. norhan mcnasty!

Isn't she a cutie pie?

she is so adorable.

and so teny tiny!

i want to put her in my pocket,

and take her everywere i go!


but don't be fooled...

she might be little,

but she is fucking brootal!

she will beat your shit down

in a heart beat!

i would do anything for her...

so i would strongly advise you to not

fuck with her.

cause you fuck with her,

and you have to deal with me.

and i might not like to fight...

but im sure as hell not afraid to bleed.

i love this girl to death.


this boy is amazing.

he puts a big smile on

my face evrytime we talk.

He is my soon to be husband


there really aren't many

words to describe him.

he makes me happy inside!

you are simply fanominal baby!


i love this boy to death

rrandy gerrit lacosse♥

he is sooo sweet!

makes me smile reeeaaalllll big like

we have sooo much in common it is crazy!

he is sooooo cute to.

and he works in dairy queen!


it's sooo cute.


we are going to meet some day soon

and lay in the grass and watch the clouds

or stare at the clouds at night.


he give my tummy little butterflies

and makes me all smiley

i love this boy to death!

brae nichole schwoegler♥


what is there to say about this girl...

she is fanominal.

funny. gorgeous.

A great friend. a fanominal listner.

evrything that you could ask for in a person

has been put into this

little package of a friend

she is great.

and althoug she is moving away.

i wont ever forget her.

she will always be remebered.

friday nights just wont be

the same without this little bunddle of joy.


i love her to death.

peter carl cook ♥

hmmm petey pie!

were do i start

he he so amazing!

and soooo sweet!!!

plus he is a total babe.



whenever i talk to him he always

has such a bright attitude,

about anything

its awsome!

he is never sad...

i love that about him.

and he always knows just how

to bring a smile to my face.

not to mention he is an amazing singer

to an amazing band,

[Under Marilyn]

although we havn't hung out much

we talk constantly

and i cant wait to actualy

hang out with him again soon!

your awsome pete!

i love this boy to death.

fez johnathan arreola♥

awww he is sooooo amazing!

and sooooo funny!

i love hanging out with him

in his garage for band practice

or the zig zags just chillin


he is so fun...

one of the craziest kids i know.

hes is prety much the coolest

thing since sliced bread


i can never wait till the

next time we get to hang out

cause it is always great!

i love this boy to death

Robert Michael Hughes ♥

wow...this kid right here.

is awsome!

he is soooo fun.

and he is one of the most amazing

guitarists i have ever

meet in my entire life.

he is realy nice as well...

and i have never realy

seen this boy upset.

he is always happy and having fun

and i absolutly love that about him

i alway get excited when i

know were gonna hang out

cause i know i'll have an awsome time!

weather it at their band practice

eating at burger king

or just hanging out playing video games

and even tho he makes fun of me

for having beauty and the beast, aladin, the lion king

and the little mermaid music on my iPod

he is still amazing!

i love this boy to death

and don't ever forget that kiid

zachary allen petruske♥


this kid right here...



he is like THE coolest

18 year old i know!


hanging out with him is always an adventure

wether it be watching him sing

at band practice

playing strip light//poker

and having to walk up

the stares topless

or trying to watch beer fest!


this boy is amazing

and i don't have any idea

what i would do if i didnt ever meet him

i love this boy to death!

nikkyy hannah lynn cota♥

i absolutly love this girl!

In the extremly short time

that we have known eachother,

we have become so close.

i would do absolutly anything to

see this young landy smile

she is so fun and adorable...

and when the two of us are together,

there is NEVER a dull moment.

we are always giggling and

smiling, and having a blast!

i love this girl to death.


brian scott harris♥



your freaking amaizng!

i dont even know.


your so fun

and realy cool to hang out with.

and i prety much love how at

12:00 at night

we are awake...talking about how we are

drinking the same kind of arizona ice tea

[ginseng & honey]

and listening to the exact same band

[i killed the prom queen]

it's prety much hXc amazing!


i prety much love you....


and plus we have awsome fun when we

go to burger king

and drink apple juice!

and you feed me french fries!

i love this boy to death


steven nicholas razza♥

he is my twin!

seperated at birth...

reunited at starbucks!

although we havnt been friends for to long,

i already fell so close to him.

hes such an amazing person.

He isnt a fake...

like mostly evryone else.

he dosnt lie to impress.

hes just...himself

and i love it.

i absolutly love how we have so much in common.

like the starbucks drinks we like,

the personalities we have...

and the candy we eat!


i love this boy to death.

brandon lee corley

brandon brandon brandon.

my buddy. my close friend.

this kid always knows exactly

what to say at exactly the right time,.

he is a fanominal listner.

i would do anything for this boy.

no matter what the sircumstances may be.

i could never doubt him

because he always knows what hes talking about.

i love him to death.

Monica ann Krolnic♥

we have been through soooo much together.

best friends since kindergarten.

although weve had our share of fights as well...

weve still remainded friends through thick and thin.

and i adore how wed come to scholl accidently matching.


i lover her to death.

Monica Rey♥

this girl is simply fantasmical

we meet in Mrs. davis's class

in sixth grade, and became friends right away

i always have a blasty blast hanging out with her.


our randome inside jokes

always made me giggle

and pluss, she had the

same middle name as me!

p.e. class together evry year

was absolutly classic

p.e. was never the same without her

i love this girl to death!


i meet this girl in seventh grade

at patrick henry middle school


i thought she was sooo cool

and so fun

we always had fun hanging out

and what not.

she is a fanominal friend

and i would be so sad if i lost her

she is gorgeouse

think with me


i love this girl to death

Danniel Nungary♥


this boy is one of the best

i have ever meet!

he is soooo incredably sweet!

he calls me in the middle of the night

just to say whats up

cause he misses me


this kid is simply unexplainable

and i miss him sooooo much!

i can't wait to go back out

to california and see his goofy ass.

i would to absolutly anything

for this kid

as i know he would do the same

thing for me, if there was ever any need.

love love this boy to death!

Michael Anthony House II♥


this boy always makes me smile!

he is so silly.

and such an awsome friend.

he is one of those people who is

willing to help you out

no matter the situation.

he has such a kind heart!

and i love that about him.

he is awsome!!

even though he makes fun of the way i talk

and makes me talk for people

i don't know...


i still love this boy!

i would do anything for ya baby!

don't even forget that!

i love this boy to death


Emily Lee Rentz♥

this girl never cesis to amaze me.

our movie marathoons and

random trips to cvs own.

and i love how when she cant sleep

she dose my chores.


i love her to death.

william anthony romeo♥

i meet this boy through my cousin shaunna.

from the minute he walked through the door

and begun to talk i knew he was going to be

a really awsome guy!

he looks quite intimidating

but he is actually really nice!

he makes me laugh

and puts a smile on my face!!


although the time we spent together wasn't long

it was still oh so fun

wouldn't trade it for the world


Zachary schoebel♥

this boy is amazing

he is a blasty blast to hang out with.

weather it be in math class



or at Mc Donalds, i alwasy love

hanging out with this boy!

even tho hes a youngin...


i deffanitly admire him as a person

even tho hes younger than i am


i don't know what id without

this boys friendship...

i love this boy to death


this is one of those boys

that you just never forget.

he is a fanominal child

with a gigantic heart

and he will always have a place in mine

even if we dont really talk anymore

he will still always be there.

i would do absolutly anything for him

no matter the sacrafices i would

have to make for myself.


i love this boy to death.

bryce jones♥


bryce, my buddy

he is an awsome boy

there isn't much i can say

to describe how amazing he is...

[the picture of him explains it all]

he is so sweet,

and always there when i need him.

he has got an amazing personality!

and a perfect smile


im not sure what i'd do

if i were to lose him...

you better not forget about me


makes it big baby!


your an amazing bassist bryce

i love this boy to death

cory pattakos♥

hmm, well, this kid is probly one of

chillest most amazing boys

i have ever meet.

he is sooooo nice

and decpite all the stupid

F****ing rummors he is an amazing boy

all though we don't hang out that often

the times that we do

are allways an adventure


and i always end up having a blast!

i wouldn't ever change the fact

that i have meet this kid.

because i dont know what

i would do without

the experiences i have had with him.

he crazy but awsome!

i love this boy to death

Ashley Rylie-Marie Borchert♥



one of the cutest little things

ive ever seen in my life.


such a doll!

and so f-ing chill its insane.

all though we need to start hanging out more,

our little chit chats in the hallways

befor classes are always amazing!


i love this girl to death!

I'd like to meet:


kennith ryan callaway♥
"fuck that it's not chased through the
woods by a rapist anymore...
oh no no no.
now its chased through the abyss
by a fucking shark!"
this boy is simplying amazing.
that quote right there is one of the
many reasons i love him so much!
he is the only person under
my heros for a reason.
he is always there for me
when i need someone the most,
and he always knows just the right way
to hug me when im sad.
he is my best friend in the whole entire world
i'd back this kid up any day of the week
just like i know he
would always do the same for me.
and nothing is ever gonna change
the way i fell for this boy
so don't bother trying
i love you kennith and don't
you ever forget that
niggas till the fucking end baby...
thats f'sho!

My Blog

wow...thiis is fuckiing...ii dont even know! the let me start off by saying...(ONCE A FREAKIIN GIIN)that ii'm SO siick of the fiightiing.liike honestly.toniight iit went to far.there weren't many people there at that poi...
Posted by Chelse Crunk™[CHALLENGE] on Sat, 11 Aug 2007 11:35:00 PST

wow, sometiimes people just flat out...

diissapoiint me. There iis more to liife then justbeiing cute and tryiing to be liike evryone else. For iinstance:Doiing thiings because you thiink they make you look cool iis just stupiid... cause um...
Posted by Chelse Crunk™[CHALLENGE] on Thu, 31 May 2007 09:57:00 PST


 As we grow up you'll learn that the one person that wasn't ever supposed to let you down, probably wiill. You wiill have your heart broken probably more then once, and iit gets hard...
Posted by Chelse Crunk™[CHALLENGE] on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 03:34:00 PST

about me.

People should hate me but dont. II justiify my actiions by compariing myself to worse. II'm Bii-polar but usually hiide my down siide. II'm sad but try and call iit tiired. II'm scared but try and cal...
Posted by Chelse Crunk™[CHALLENGE] on Thu, 15 Jun 2006 03:04:00 PST