Christian has three planets in Aquarius, including Mercury, Jupiter and the all-important Sun. As an actor, he disappears into roles, even altering his physique by buffing up for American Psycho and Batman Begins or extreme weight loss as with the Machinist. Aquarians can seem cut off from their feelings, and appear flat, and often Bale portrays an intense intelligence that's always a bit cool. He's said he prefers to be a "clean slate" to the public, with little known about his private life. His persona makes him an actor strangely distant, but that adds to his enigmatic appeal.The Thinker: Christian has a grand trine in Air signs, with his Jupiter-Mercury conjuction in Aquarius trining Saturn in Gemini and Uranus in Libra. This gives him a natural ability to get inside the minds of his characters. He's a genius at accents, and uses them to build a role from the inside out, through the speech and thought-patterns.Dangerous Mars: Christian's Mars in Taurus squares three of his prominent planets -- Sun, Mercury and Jupiter -- giving him a brooding temperament. He may have lots of brilliant schemes, but often find his feet are made of clay. Mars in Taurus gives him a scruffy, earthy sensuality, and forces him to build things with tedious deliberateness. The gap between his visions and what's actually do-able can bring on great tensions, even rage. He's grappled with depression, and notably they happen when he's between jobs. Being able to fully engage both his mind and body in a character brings relief.Method and Madness: With a noon U.T. birth time, he's got a Taurus Moon that creates a kite of sextiles to the grand trine in air. When the Moon opposes Uranus, there's unpredicability, and a thirst for unusual experiences. Here's an actor that re-shapes his body to fit the role, and with the Moon as base or Soul, his Taurus Moon's physicality becomes his primary tool. Roger Ebert has said of Bale, "There is no instinct for self-preservation, and that is the mark of a good actor." He offers himself up to be taken over, almost like a possession, allowing a total transformation of body and soul to take place.Cult Figure?His fans, called "Baleheads" have made him the most downloaded man on the Internet. Perhaps his unknowable nature and willingness to take such psychic and physical risks for a role are mesmerizing to others. The more the public wants to know, the less he reveals. He's the Aquarian Everyman, experimenting with the entire spectrum of conceived human experience, from serial killers to superheroes.Dark Waters: Christian is a complex character with zero water planets in his chart. When the water element is missing, the emotions can seem underground, with a life of their own. It makes a person prone to depression, and even fear being overwhelmed by primal, bottomless emotion. Through work, he can channel and release that depth of feeling. And he's got Venus in Capricorn, at 29 degrees, making traditions and homelife a priority. Yet here again is a tendency to inexplicable, fathomless dark moods.
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