Harold profile picture


About Me

I'm nothing special
I like to stay mysterious
I absolutely despise kissing pictures
I find them to be pointless
I play guitar

Create your own Friend Quiz here

Anthony's nerdy video is making it to fuse's the sauce !

My Interests

Guitar,music,movies ..

I'd like to meet:

Joseph Poole..


Metal,Rock,Punk,Grunge,Hardcore,Classical,Acoustic, Alternative,and some rap is if it has a cool beat


Pretty much anything


Adult Swim and Comedy Central




Sam J: This girl is the reason I made it through Highschool alive,I love her more than like aaaaaanything, Samantha hart = awesome
Jerry: This guy is totally rad at guitar,everytime Jerry AJ and I hang out,someone either breaks out into a cold sweat,Or something gets stolen, No matter where or what hour,we get in too much damn trouble
Ben Johnson and Josh Fouts,These two are the masters of Godfathers and two of the coolest friends ever,From Christmas parties to smoking aces,John McClane day to NBA drafts,These guys are pimps
Marty:My Mentor and one of the best friends anyone could ever ask for,always there when you need help,He also has the most painful and sharp elbows on earth
Danny:Childhood buddy,defender of our nation,this dude would give you the shirt off of his back even if it was like a 1000 degrees below zero and taking it off would take some flesh with it
Matt:He died doing what he knew was right,Matt is one of the only reasons any of us can even walk outside without worrying about being harmed,he's in all of our hearts
Paul:Him and I can talk about anything,We've been through so much together,there were oh so many times where we just jumped on the trampoline or spent all of the sunlight pretending to kill the enemies in our neighborhood I honestly can't describe how much this guy impacts my life
Seth:Countless summers spent just cruising around,Listening to music,Watching crappy horror movies and eating Chinese food,This guy is totally rad!and one of my best buds
Anthony:First of all,This guy is a stud,I am so thankful for him,He made working at the hell hole of a movie theater fun,he was pretty much my first and one of my only friends in Missouri,sure we've spent a couple of nights in the middle of nowhere almost getting killed by farmers,but it has so been worth it
Kristie: I love this kid to death,she is like a cowgirl gathering up the group of cows that decided it would be cool to break through the fence and eat all the grass surrounded by lawn gnomes...Her and those damn slushies
Alysia:Where the hell would I be without my asian? that's right...NO WHERE!
Brian: Adopted brother,roommate?,This guy is so awesome,He makes anytime fun,Ha we're so much alike it scares me sometimes,I think he could even make living in hell fun
And last but not least,my family,I don't have a pic up right now,But they are the best thing ever,I have no idea what I would be without them

My Blog

"You Damn Dog"

Beauty I'm nothing without my pooch Today I had to put down one of the best things in my life,The thing that kept me going for so long,My only friend when I was growing up since I was so strange and h...
Posted by Harold on Fri, 21 Apr 2006 05:45:00 PST