I likE all kind of sports, girls, music, and monEy! My favoritE sport is baskEtball (shout-out to thE Suns),Fuck the Lakers. I absolutely HATE the RAIDERS.Raider Nation,huh? Too bad your team sucks ass. Go back to Mexicali. My favoritE girls are the ones that dont remember anything the next morning. My favoritE music(s) is HEavy MEtal (thE kind that would makE your grandmothEr turn ovEr in hEr gravE) cuz i Enjoy thE adrEnalinE, and some Rap (thE kind that would makE your parEnts disown you) cuz i likE thE rhythm and bEat. *FUCK ALL YOU HATERS OUT THERE !!! Yea I said It !! My GrEatEst PEt PEEvEs: 1)PEoplE f*cking mE ovEr 2)Slow pEoplE, now lEt mE ElaboratE....why thE hEll arE asians thE smartEst pEoplE on thE planEt and also thE slowEst? Its likE--MovE BITCH gEt out thE way!!! Im doin 100 on thE highway, if you do thE spEEd limit gEt thE f*ck out of my way!!!!!!! 3)Now its thE mExicans turn....HEy, I'm not racist, but why thE hEll do mExicans leave thEir drop-housE, gathEr up all of thEir family mEmbErs, pack thEm all into thEir ovErsizEd primErEd ChEvy Astrovan with mExican flag bumpEr-stickErs, whilE cranking up thEir stErEo to listEn to that shitty fuckin accordian spanish music which all it doEs is drown thE ozonE layEr,and takE thEm to Kmart/Walmart whErE thEy can loitEr throughout thE alrEady-suffocating BO/ass stEnchifiEd aislEs to try on dEodorant and chEap pErfumEs with no intEntion of actually purchasing thEsE itEms in thE first placE?!!!??WTF??!!!! 4)OLD PEOPLE PISS ME OFF!!!! ThEy can't drivE: ThE govErnmEnt should BAN thEir licEncEs oncE thEy turn 55 and makE thEm takE thE city bus. ThEy cant walk: wE nEEd a fuckin handicap sidEwalk or lanE so pEople who arE in a hurry wont havE to wait for thEir aging corpsEs. And thEy cant makE quick dEcisions! I wish EvEryonE had ninja rEflExEs likE mE, thEn this world would function a wholE lot bEttEr! P.S.- I lovE you Grandma and Gramps, but honEstly...... 5)TEasEs...Why thE f*ck do girls tEasE? ThEy know you want it and thEy know that you know that you want it, its like a big gamE.....whatEvEr. ~Damn, I just got a lot of shit off my chest there, for the most part. Sorry for rambling though.
My Evil Twin.
KottonMouthKings,KingSpade,SliPknOt,Sublime,Godsmack,MuDvAyN e,KoRn,Static-X,A Perfect Circle,TOOL,System of a Down,Soil,MuShRoomHeAd,Lacuna Coil,Disturbed,Killswitch Engage,Spineshank,Opiate for the Masses,Pantera.
Scarface,Blow,American History X,Pulp Fiction,Donnie Darko,Anchorman,Dodgeball,Wedding Crashers,Starsky & Hutch,Austin Powers,Dude Where's My Car?,American Pie,Saw,Matrix,8 Mile,Meet the Parents,Old School,The Ring,Scary Movie 123,Dumb and Dumber (the first one),Fun with Dick and Jane,Grandma's Boy, Waterboy,Happy Gilmore,Billy Madison,The Devil's Rejects,The Hills Have EyEs,Half Baked,etc......
ESPN,News,SouthPark,Simpsons,FamilyGuy,Fear Factor
ESPN, Playboy, Maxim, FHM,Stuff, y'all get the point I hope.....
Tom Leykis.