Sounds like Jeff, Looks like Geeeoff [ABC][CHAMP] profile picture

Sounds like Jeff, Looks like Geeeoff [ABC][CHAMP]

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

I am going to turn my life around. Starting tomorrow.
I don't like seafood, and I never will. So don't tell me why I should like it. Trust me, I'll be fine.
There is one movie that has taken my last little bit of innocence, brought it out behind a shed, raped, and shot it. I will not mention it here.
I speak two languages: English and Sarcasm, and I have no problem showing off my bilingual skills. I took some Spanish in college, but I think it took me a week to forget all the stuff that I took a semester to learn. Now, the only Spanish I know is what I know from Taco Bell, and I usually can't even get that right.
I am a jack of all trades, but a master of none. This means that I'm moderately talented at 100% pf everything I do, but have about 0% chance of being awesome at any of it.
I'm trying to eat healthy, but I love shitty food. That is called a paradox.
I will talk to you if I don't know you. I like conversation and can chat with anyone. I also like to banter and argue.
I live with three of my good friends. We call it [ABC] Manor. You wish you could live here.
My family is very important to me.
The only two beverages I absolutley love are Mountain Dew and Monster Energy Drinks. Tea is not a beverage. Do not ask me to drink tea. Green Tea, Iced Tea, Hot Tea... ASS, ASS, ASS.
I treat my dogs like people and spoil them like crazy. Over the years I've learned that a dog may lick himself before kissing you, piss on your new table, chew up your belongings, and get hair all over your bed. But despite all of that, your dog will never lie to you. Your dog is the first one to greet you when you come home. Your dog is always happy to see you, and will show you more devotion than most people in this world.
I'm a nerd to the core. I love videogames, comic books, and science fiction stuff that would make a Trekkie yell "NERD ALERT!"
I love music of all genres and styles- I even enjoy stuff I'm ashamed to mention here... or anywhere else, for that matter.
I go to Wikipedia at least every other time I'm online, even though I know most of the site is bollocks.
I use the word bollocks despite the obvious handicap of not being from Europe.
I think that if I didn't have movies or music that I would be a truly lost soul without a purpose. I am definitely a child of my generation and would have never made it out alive if I was born to an age without TV or videogames.
When I was young, I used to reenact all of Back to the Future in its entirety. My dad tells me all the time about how I ruined several good pairs of speakers during the Johhny B Goode scene: All I can say is you can't make an omelette without breaking some eggs.
I have an UNCANNY ability to memorize and recite stuff from movies, televison shows, songs, and conversations. But I have the hardest time remembering my family's birthdays. It's all about the priorities.
I may be the most impatient person on the planet. If I don't have to wait for something, I won't.
My dad is maybe the strongest person I've ever known. He's done and seen things that would cause most people in this world to cower and run. He's just been through some rough times in his life, and I'm proud of him for surviving it all.
There are few things I enjoy more in this world over laughing and comedy. Who doesn't like to share a laugh with someone? That's right, nobody! That question is rhetorical!
I hate losing. I don't care if it's a simple game of Monopoly. I'm a sore loser. If you rub it in when you beat me at something: you had better beat me every time, because you will NEVER hear the end of it if you don't.
I find those Geico caveman commercials hilarious... absolutley fucking hilarious. The show? They made a television show about those Geico cavemen? Are you fucking serious? Please ignore anything positive I've said about the Geico cavemen.
I am not a gambler, I am a poker player. There is a difference. Gambling implies that you are not in control. In poker, you are in control and it's only gambling when you make it gambling.
I love pro football and my beloved Philadelphia Eagles. I hate, hate, hate the Dallas Cowboys... with every fiber of hatred that runs through my cold, dark, veins I hate the Dallas Cowboys. If there is a day I hate anything or anyone in this world as much as the Dallas Cowboys, I will feel deep remorse for whatever or whomever that is. Seriously. I fucking hate the Dallas Cowboys.
I am addicted to my Blackberry. It seems to be the window to my world and the heart of my social life. It's a leash and I am it's dog.
One thing I really, truly don't get is politics. It's like wrestling: everyone knows that the people involved are faking it and that they are terrible actors, but people still watch it like crazy and argue about it as if it's all real. That is my soap box, and I just stood on it: suck it.
I haven't ever been in a fight. I like to attribute this to my amazing physique and intimidating looks.
"Remember when you're a kid and you think your Dad is Superman? Then you grow up and realize he's just a drunk who wears a cape." -Dave Attell
"Fuck Nick Cannon." -Dave Chappell
"Welcome to the suck." -Jarhead
"How Tyler saw it was that getting God’s attention for being bad was better than getting no attention at all. Maybe because God’s hate is better than His indifference. If you could be either God’s worst enemy or nothing, which would you choose? We are God’s middle children, according to Tyler Durden, with no special place in history and no special attention. Unless we get God’s attention, we have no hope of damnation or redemption. Which is worse, hell or nothing? Only if we’re caught and punished can we be saved." -Fight Club
"Pull your hands away. I'm gone (goodbye), it's so depressing. Withering away. Take a look (inside), my soul is missing. All I have is dead, so I'll take you with me. Feel like I'm erased, so kill me just in case." -Slipknot
"Teardrops in the rain. They all look the same. Dancing down the drain. A signal out of range. And I've seen the ghost that never dies stoking the fire behind your eyes. I read the words between the lies. I've seen the serpents in disguise." -Three
Superhero quizYour results:
You are Batman Batman 75% Superman 70% Hulk 65% Spider-Man 55% The Flash 55% Robin 50% Green Lantern 50% Supergirl 45% Catwoman 40% Iron Man 40% Wonder Woman 30% You are dark, love gadgets
and have vowed to help the innocent
not suffer the pain you have endured.
Click here to take the "Which Superhero are you?" quiz...
What Tool song are you?
You are Schism. You are probably a sensitive individual who is very down to earth and open in relationships with others. Communication is your key to success and happiness in just about everything you do.
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Freddy Krueger
Revenge is the main motive here. You were wronged, and now it is time for others to pay the price. You are not someone I would cross.
The following video is sad, and innapropriate: this is what happens to you when you break a man-law. You must adhere to the punishment. Viewer discretion is advised:

Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting

My Interests

Poker. The NFL. The Philadelphia Eagles. Fantasy Football. Videogames (XBOXGamerTag: Geeeoff). Music. Movies. Bowling. Electronics of all kinds. Hanging out with my friends. Shooting. Web surfing. Good conversation. Comic books. Anything that's at all funny or even something I can just make fun of. All kinds of other good stuff. And most importantly, my good friends, my family...

I'd like to meet:

I would just like to meet a nice girl who doesn't lie and who likes me for me. I would like to meet too many people to name here. But if I had to pick one person it would probably be Christopher Walken. (DISCLAIMER: I didn't pick Chuck Norris simply because I fear and respect him.)


I like a ton of music spanning all genres and sub-genres. My favorite band of all time is Tool, and asking me to name any other bands in any particular order after that is an un-fair question. So many artists have affected me in different ways and at different times throughout my twenty-some-odd years on this Earth.
My Current Listenings:
1. Atreyu- Lead Sails Paper Anchor
2. A Perfect Circle- Mer De Noms
3. Breaking Benjamin- Phobia
4. Ashes Divide- Keep Telling Myself It's Alright
5. Breaking Benjamin- We Are Not Alone


Movies are another huge part of my life and I will watch just about anything. I will make a point not to watch "terrible films" for attractive female actresses (porn is excluded). My favorite movie ever (for several reasons) is Back to the Future, but again, asking me to list anything after that in any particular order is difficult -like asking me to pick between my children- difficult.
Movies I Am Watching A Lot Lately:
Star Wars: Episode V-The Empire Strikes Back
Chasing Amy
Clerks 2


I don't watch a ton of TV. The bulk of TV I do watch is TV on DVD, which may be one of the greatest inventions of the last decade. Take that George Forman Grill! I think The Simpsons, Chappelle's Show and Arrested Development are my three favorites, but I also love shows like The Office and CSI.


The Shining, Watership Down, Doyle Brunson's Super System: A Course in Power Poker, Caro's Book of Poker Tells, Harrignton on Hold' Em: Volume 1, Harrington on Hold' Em: Volume 2, Batman: Year One, Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Batman: The Dark Knight Strikes Again, Batman: Dark Victory, Batman: The Long Holloween, Batman: Haunted Knight, Batman: Knightfall(series), Batman: Cataclysm, Batman: No Man's Land(series), Batman: Hush, Sin City: That Yellow Bastard, Sin City: The Hard Goodbye, The Simpsons: A Complete Guide to Our Favorite Family, American Psycho, Fight Club, The Big Book of Filth, etc.


My dad for surviving and being there for me and not killing me when I did stupid stuff. My whole family, all of whom mean a lot to me. Anyone who has ever forgotten what everyone else thinks and has stood up for what they believe in. Batman. Any comic who ever had the balls to stand on stage and have people laugh at them because that's what they love. Donovan McNabb. Chris Ferguson. Phil Ivey. Master Yoda. Bruce Wayne. Daniel Tosh. Dane Cook. Bill Belichek.

My Blog

You Will Be Missed

Your pain and suffering is over. You're free now. Having you in my life was a blessing,although it was a long time coming,and surely not enough.You grew closer with every step away,forgeing past the i...
Posted by Sounds like Jeff, Looks like Geeeoff [ABC][CHAMP] on Wed, 07 May 2008 12:39:00 PST

What Have I Become?

I don't want to be a downer, but I have been doing a lot of thinking lately. And it's been brought to my attention that I do that too much, and although some would consider that an insult to hear that...
Posted by Sounds like Jeff, Looks like Geeeoff [ABC][CHAMP] on Sat, 19 Apr 2008 06:52:00 PST

Lead Sails Paper Anchor

Marching along, like a good soldier does. I’m setting sail, with anchors holding me down. Pack up my bags, stow them away. Bidding farewell to all that is safe. Will I come up for air, come up f...
Posted by Sounds like Jeff, Looks like Geeeoff [ABC][CHAMP] on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 02:40:00 PST

Heath Ledger (1979-2008)

Heath Ledger died today. My first reaction was of pure shock. The second was sadness. I have been eagerly anticipating The Dark Knight since it's it had been announced and now I await it still with a...
Posted by Sounds like Jeff, Looks like Geeeoff [ABC][CHAMP] on Wed, 23 Jan 2008 05:40:00 PST

I Wonder...

(This is a story that I came up with in my head a few minutes ago and is loosely based on me and a girl I dated a long time ago. Her name has been changed- along with any othe...
Posted by Sounds like Jeff, Looks like Geeeoff [ABC][CHAMP] on Tue, 08 Jan 2008 12:17:00 PST

A New Idea

As part of one of my several New Years resolutions, I have told myself that I'm going to do as much writing as I can. One of the things I really love to do is sit back and think about the past and, no...
Posted by Sounds like Jeff, Looks like Geeeoff [ABC][CHAMP] on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 11:06:00 PST

Man, I’m The Worst Ever At This Dating Thing.

So, today at work I was helping a young lady who I later found out was named Sarah. I was helping Sarah find a router that she would be able to connect to her Tivo and therefore be able to enjoy her f...
Posted by Sounds like Jeff, Looks like Geeeoff [ABC][CHAMP] on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 11:25:00 PST


The following is a list of New Years Resolutions I have made for the year 2008. I have decided, like many do, to not look back at the failures of 2007, of which there was many and have instead conclud...
Posted by Sounds like Jeff, Looks like Geeeoff [ABC][CHAMP] on Mon, 31 Dec 2007 01:08:00 PST

This Time...

This time it's not as easy. This time it's not really something nice I have to say. I don't really have much to say at all. Not to you. But if I did, would you really want to hear it? It's just t...
Posted by Sounds like Jeff, Looks like Geeeoff [ABC][CHAMP] on Sat, 22 Dec 2007 11:11:00 PST

Call To Arms

"Do you feel like you've lost everything you can lose? This is it, can you hear me? Do you ever lay awake with a look in your eye asking God if a wish is too big to deny? I'd like to say that you're m...
Posted by Sounds like Jeff, Looks like Geeeoff [ABC][CHAMP] on Fri, 14 Dec 2007 09:24:00 PST