<kam> 7 to 7 profile picture

&lt;kam&gt; 7 to 7

ladies and gentleman, kamaria has entered your life...get ready!

About Me

Not that anyone ever reads these things, trust me, I KNOW. But I'm just going to put it out there to keep you from having to dig through my blogs.I am a woman. I am a friend. I am a daughter. I am a sister. I am a mother. I am a lover. I am a Christian. I am caring. I am blessed. I am silly. I am loving. I am easily amused. I am open minded. I am afraid of some things. I am ready for love. I am an open book. I am a work in progress. I am a daddy's girl. I am spoiled with affection. I am a diva. I am a student. I am beautiful. I am short. I am easily irritated. I am a voter. I am phenomenal. I am complicated. I am a sinner. I am cherished. I am loved. I am grateful. I am a survivor. I am a listener. I am selfish. I am human.All of this is me and more, but I figured I'd be the first to put it out there so that nothing can be misunderstood. But do NOT get it twisted and step to me like you know me. Because in between each of these revelations about me, lies a woman who needs to be understood. There is a difference in knowing someone and understanding someone and if you cannot decipher whether you know the difference, then that makes me question whether you even know yourself. Think about that.

My Interests

...:::...i am interested in somehow, someway changing the world. be it through me passing a smile to someone in need so that they can carry that smile home to thier significant other who is depressed... or to find a cure for cancer....whatever way the Lord wants to use me, I AM READY....:::...i am interested in fighting for those who feel that they don't have a voice. for people living and dying or affected by the HIV/AIDS virus and think that no one will understand them if they speak their truth, I WILL BE THEIR TRUTH....:::...for the ones that think that God can't love them because of whatever decisions have led them down dark and deceiving paths... I WILL SHOW THEM THAT GOD WILL NEVER LEAVE NOR FORSAKE YOU!...:::...for that person, young or old...tall or short...thin or fat...blind or unknowing, i will be their friend......:::...i was born empowered with the power to make a change and i will die in that destiny. for every person i come in contact with, once they know me, they will leave with a piece of me....:::...i am interested in empowering others, being that love that one thinks they have lost, being that hug that one thought they'd never feel again......:::...i am interested in being a better person to you so that i can be a better person for me.

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I'd like to meet:

People who are about being real. Plain and simple. I don't have time for gossip, for backstabbing, for mind games or lies. If that's all you have to offer, then I suggest you have a spiritual growth spurt then get at me. Thanks!Add Comment


I love to listen to everything from Alicia Keys to Pink, Avril Levigne to Billy Holiday, Police to Justin Timberlake, Alan Jackson to Marvin Gaye, etc...etc...


I will read anything but mostly I open my Bible. My favorite book is Revelations and the one I read the most often is Matthew. Don't ask!!


My Heroes are God, my Parents, my Grandparents, and my daughter.

My Blog

Bleach & Double Bagging - YVILMEN - [part three]

Thank you for returning to my drawn out blog series of "YOUR VAGINA IS LIKE THE MYSPACE EXTENDED NETWORK - Do You Use Protection?" In case you have forgotten, here's the background info...  ...
Posted by [[kam]] 7 to 7 on Sun, 30 Dec 2007 09:41:00 PST

Season’s Greetings to ALL My Friends...

I just want to say to all of my friends, that I pray your holiday is as blessed as mine has been  thus far. Stay tuned for the wonderful blog detailing how God has stepped in and taken care of me...
Posted by [[kam]] 7 to 7 on Mon, 24 Dec 2007 05:14:00 PST

A Blog Brought To You By Miss Empowe[red]

    CAPTION THIS... a blog brought to you by Miss Empowe[red] thank you....
Posted by [[kam]] 7 to 7 on Sun, 23 Dec 2007 10:48:00 PST

10 by 10 I wonder and I wish...

I got the honor and extreme pleasure to be tagged by the Oh, so wonderful UnIqUeLy_BeAuTiFuL1..is just being Me today in a sort of holiday blog of Why's? & Wishes. I'm just glad to have the y...
Posted by [[kam]] 7 to 7 on Wed, 19 Dec 2007 03:00:00 PST

Thank you from SistahGirl

I want to thank all of my friends who took the time to read my blogs detailing the documentary that I have been asked to be a apart of. I want to thank you for those that reached into their hearts and...
Posted by [[kam]] 7 to 7 on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 07:33:00 PST

I Cant Get Out..

So, I was talking to a friend of mine earlier this week... one of the few who knows the depth of what I begrudgingly admit, am suffering from depression. We were chatting about me "cheering up" and I ...
Posted by [[kam]] 7 to 7 on Thu, 13 Dec 2007 06:46:00 PST

Listen To What Logan Had to Say

There's nothing I have to add to this. Nothing at all....
Posted by [[kam]] 7 to 7 on Thu, 13 Dec 2007 05:53:00 PST

My Loving Thirty - Flaws and All

  1. That day I found out you hit my mom, and she let you stay... I knew that day what kind of woman I wasn't going to be and I thank you for that even though I hate you for hurting her. There's...
Posted by [[kam]] 7 to 7 on Wed, 05 Dec 2007 05:20:00 PST

I bet you think this Dirty’s about You, don’t you?

Oh it's been way over due... my dirty thirty... but you guys know how I roll.I have to a anger venting one, a love one and then a special category one. I present to you, the anger one because I need t...
Posted by [[kam]] 7 to 7 on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 09:48:00 PST

World AIDS Day: Can I Forgive?

I wrote the poem below before I knew there was a World AIDS Day. I wrote this when I was too afraid of what people would think if they heard what I had to say. I wrote this when things were still...
Posted by [[kam]] 7 to 7 on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 12:13:00 PST