Mission Statement
To reduce the spread of HIV by promoting and encouraging safer sex, periodic HIV screenings, and exploring the benefits of abstinence.
" Respect Yourself, Check Yourself, Protect Yourself" (RCP) " was started November 2006, in South Florida (Broward County) to expose and highlight the crisis our generation is facing with the HIV/AIDS virus, particularly, black communities (*stats as shocking as 1 in 35 infected rate). After the "Silence is Death" report came down from Tallahassee in 2006, pointing out the high numbers of infected Blacks in Florida; some eyes opened up and hence the birth of RCP. RCP is a social marketing campaign created by Rize & Shine, Inc. a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that promotes, markets, and advertises public awareness of the risks associated with HIV/AIDS .
The goal of this campaign is to heighten awareness, increase the number of first-time testers, and reduce the number of newly infected individuals through execution of various creative marketing strategies. By doing this, we will decrease the number of persons at high risk for acquiring HIV or transmitting HIV infection, increase the proportion of HIV infected individuals who know they are infected and increase the number of people getting tested. For those individuals that test positive, treatment can be sought after; and for the individuals with negative results, we will continue to promote “responsible actionâ€. The overall objective is to improve the health of the community by encouraging healthy behavior (i.e. getting tested, practicing safer sex, spreading awareness).
But don't get it confused, this is not a "Gloom-N-Doom" campaign, where we tell everyone about all the sad stories with the disease. This is a "BUILD HOPE FOR TOMORROW, TODAY" campaign, so for even those individuals that are infected, with the proper treatment & counseling, they can still go about life with a positive outlook and share their testimonies.
By developing and implementing an effective HIV prevention social marketing campaign, we are attempting to change behavioral habits within our communities, not just the delivery of information.
We are trying to get everyone involved, from businesses and clubs... to the churches and schools. Please keep in mind, we are not trying to take anything away from the "Health agencies", who, in actuality are providing testing and have been conducting outreach for years; but its time for the community, "OUR COMMUNITY" to take ownership of this disease and to start doing something about it. The traditional methods of outreach are sometimes not as effective as EMOTION-PROVOKING, IN YOUR FACE, TAKE ACTION,"YEAH ITS REALLY THAT SERIOUS" style of outreach. Do you agree?? A message can’t spread if people are not acting… We can make a difference!!!
We’re looking for individuals that share the same passion about stopping the spread of this disease as we do.
To be a part of future RCP Events, email us at
[email protected]
visit us at
www.RCPMovement.org or www.myspace.com/RCPMovement
Center for Disease Control
B.E.T. Rap It Up
Florida Department of Health
Night Life Photo Guys
Experience Aviation
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