Forever Elegant Mz. Erica!!! profile picture

Forever Elegant Mz. Erica!!!

I'm tough, Ambitious, & I know exactly what I want, if you dont like that....then OKAY!!!

About Me

Hey, this ya girl's a lil something something about me. Im black, white, and Native American. I'm strong and very independent, sorry I was raised not to depend on anybody but myself. I played volleyball for 71st high and Junior Olympic for FAVA. I like MEN AND NOT LIL BOYS THAT THINK THEY ARE MEN. What I like in MEN is maturity, responsibility, has to be easy to talk to, not afraid to tell me what he is thinking and feeling, HONEST, and has to be able to make me laugh, because I'm a funny and lively person and if you cant handle that then BYE!!! O and someone who doesnt smoke, drinking is ok but not 2 much and also someone who holds their family close to their hearts like I do. My best friends and probably only real friends are Ashley Dawson and Jazmine Bebbs (R.I.P babe)....f**k with them you F**K with me!!!! K!!I MISS YOU JAZZY!!! LOVE YA ALWAYS!!!
Create Your Own!
First Name: Erica
Nickname: Big E or E...i like E
Location: Greenville, NC
Age: 18
NAtural Hair color: dark brown
Present hAIr color: light brown
Eye Color: dark brown
Religion: baptist
Sexual Preference: straight....i prefer boys
[The Nosey]
What color is ur underwear: yellow with elmo on the front
Do you have a crush on sum1: yea
Who do u have a crush on: they know who they are
What is special about them: i dont know
do they like you back: yea
Does anyone have a crush on you most likely
Which celebrities do u find attractive ummm....cant think of anyone right now
Have you ever watched porn: no not yet...
Did you enjoy it: didnt watch
Do you fuck or make love: both
Have u ever had sex with a girl: no
Have you ever had sex with a boy? yea
Have you ever kissed a girl: no
Have you ever kissed a boy: yea
Have you ever gone down on somebody: thats private information
Has anyone gone down on you: yea but thats private information too...
Are you sexually shy: no...but im not a slut
How many sexual partners have you had: 3
Do you have any sexual suggestions for anyone: no...not really except dont let it get u caught up
Would you ever make out with someone outside your race/religion? yea
- Would you ever make out with someone who is ugly? whos to say their ugly
Would you ever make out with someone who is really fat/really thin? yea...i think
Would u ever makeout with someone with bad hygiene: HELL NO!!!!!!! O MY GOD!!
Who do you want to make out with right now?: my man
Who do you want to have sex with right now?: my man
Are you a kitten in bed: only when its bad
Sarah McLachlan or Wild Monkey? huh??
Where is the weirdest place you've ever had sex? lol...
Are you comfortable being naked around people? man
What gives you goosebumps? man
[The Morals]
Would you kiss someone you don't love? yea
Would you have sex with someone you don't love? yea
Do you believe in sex before marriage? no...but if u can do thats good!!
Have you ever been in love? yea....i am now
Do you want to get married? YES...AND I WANT KIDS!!!
[The Ending]
What is the time? 1:15
How long did this take you? like 5 min
Did you enjoy this? yea....i guess
Are you a pervert? no
What did you do most during this survey? listen to my Beyonce CD
Any final thoughts? no
CREATE YOUR OWN! - or - GET PAID TO TAKE SURVEYS! girls layout @ HOT MyHotComments

My Interests

Volleyball, boyz, singing, dancing, boyz, high heel shoes, clothes,and making sure I look good. LOL!! O and boyz!!!

I'd like to meet:

For famous ppl I would like to meet Dwanye Wade!!!!! but boys...i would like to meet someone that can make me laugh, hold a good conversation, and a all around person!!
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I listen to everything but country and that hard rock and roll mess....well not everything but mostly R&B, hip-hop, and Rap. Get Your Own! | View Slideshow ...


Love n Basketball, Five Heartbeats, Color Purple, Two Can Play that Game, and some more but i cant think of them right now....
Create Your Own
You Are 26% Evil
A bit of evil lurks in your heart, but you hide it well.
In some ways, you are the most dangerous kind of evil. How Evil Are You?
You Are High Maintenance
You want the good things in life
Expensive clothes, nice food, and a perfect boyfriend
And while it's good to aim high - you're scaring Mr. Perfect away
No guy will treat you like a princess if you insist on acting like one
Chill a little... and see how much better a big heart is than a big wallet. Are You High Maintenance?


Girlfriends, Americans next top model, Desperate housewives, Grey's Anatomy......


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