Music, movies, women,photogaphy, parties, danger, gratuitous nudity, porn, concerts, just hanging out with friends,art, pin up style models, collecting swords and other memorabilia, and some other stuff I can't think of right now.and ohh yeah porn. hahaha
Anyone who wants to meet me. People who have a scense of humor and like to have fun. People that like to just let loose and goof around no matter where you are. Just plain old every day nice people. Liv Tyler, Angelina Jolie, Kate Hudson, Carlos Santana, Dave Chapell, Jenna Jameson ( again ), George Lucas, Slash, Natelie Portman, Shakira, Chewbacca, Everyone at the Playboy Mansion, The Camera Crew for Vivid and Wicked Video ( For A Job ) OOHH YEAH BITCHES!
Is my Heart and Soul.
Mostly any Horror, Comedy, Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Action or Indie Flims. For the sake of giving you a list of all my favorite movies.
That 70's Show, Metalocalypse, Mtv2 Headbanger's Ball, Family Guy, Simpsons, Smallville, Aquateen Hunger Force, Chapell Show, S.N.L. Conan, Leno,and some other show I can't remebbr that are on right now.This Cartoon Rules My Life!!!!! Long Live Dethklok!!!
Haven't been reading much. So no books for now.
Anyone with passion who is willing to face hell to hold onto that which they love.