+++Goblin King+++ profile picture

+++Goblin King+++

+++One day I am going to grow wings, A chemical reaction+++

About Me

Here is what I know: NOTHING is certain. Life is to short to dwell on things and people that dont matter. Life is certainly precious. My daughter is gorgeous (that is the one certainty I am sure of). Sarcasm is the best humor ever....EVER!!!! People will ALWAYS talk, Its up to the individual to look past petty and easy words. You have to Change only for yourself NOBODY will ever let you be anyone other than who they think you are. There is alot more things I know so ask away.
Music is like oxygen to me. I love to sing. I love to play guitar. Futbol!! I love love love Futbol.lets see what else???? I dont really write anymore I should pick that up again. If you made it this far then you must be bored so Im sorry Im not funny.
FRIEND REQUEST'S: I am not someone that adds people at random I'm not looking to be popular. However I cannot resist an interesting person. if you send me a friend request with no message I will deny it. Why? you ask, well lets face it i fucken ROCK...

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

If i could make every aspect of my personality into a physical being, I would love to meet them. Sit and disscuss anything, I think it would make for an amazing discovery of all that live within me++++++But since that wont happen. I want to meet: open minds, teachers and students of life. Generous souls, Kind hearts, Sarcastic assholes. NOW, If its about people then there is a few Che, Zapata, Van Gogh, Ghandi, Angelina Jolie, Frida Khalo, Diego Rivera, Paulo Cohelo, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Unamuno well theres a bunch


MUSIC IS MY LIFE. I cant really say that I only listen to one style. There is something great in all music, even polka. ATTENTION BANDS! when you send me a friend request i actually listen to your music. if I like it I will add you If I dont I will let you know why. Im very honest...be warned.


'say what again i dare you i double dare you motha ****** say what one more god damn time'(Jules Winnfield) aka.. Bad Mother Fucker..aka Sumuel L Jackson.(Don Corleone): What have I ever done to make you treat me so disrespectfully? If you'd come to me in friendship, then this scum that ruined your daughter would be suffering this very day. And if by chance an honest man like yourself should make enemies, then they would become my enemies. And then they would fear you. two of my favorites......well theres good movies out there to name a few anything from Tim Burton, Tarantino,... The laberynth, City of god, Happy Gilmore, Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, well theres too many and im to lazy to write them all so um yeah there you go...


well when I get a chance I like Law and Order, Family Guy,THE CONTENDER


El Alchimista, Cien anos de soledad, Dos madres, the outsiders, where the wild things are, the Da Vinci Code, the Art of Happiness, Angeles Y Demons very very good. Now im trying to find el Parcifal by Richard Wagner so if you have it or know where to get it please help a brotha in need. Theres alot of good writting out there


what can i say about heroes there was a time i thought they didnt excist but i guess i was being stupid i have a few heroes.... MY MOM all she did for me when i was young can never be repaid...My dad for leaving i am greatfull for that otherwise i would never have stepped up...My brother's Heli for doing what he said he would do.. since i can remember he said he would be a great chef and you know what he is today, thats right oh but lay off the salt cabron hahaha chris well if im a smart ass this kid runs circles around me i love his quick mind... Noel wow this guy saved my life so many times i get a knot everytime i think about it... Oscar well this fucken guy with the music the wrist slicing depresion he puts me in with his guitar well thats my dog... Carlos well "Dull" "Darkness" whenever i think of the underdog that will be on top of the world his face comes to mind one day this guy will wake up and well watch out hes never let me down i dont think he will ever stop suprising me with his kindness and well like santos if you dont know him you wont get it..... heroes do excist and im lucky to be surounded by my own

My Blog

Its days like today that Depeche Mode saves me

Ooh, I've been dirtAnd I don't careOoh, I've been dirtAnd I don't care'Cause I'm burning inside'Cause I'm burning insideI'm the fire of lifeYeah alrightOoh, I've been hurtAnd I don't careOoh, I've bee...
Posted by +++Goblin King+++ on Tue, 01 May 2007 05:59:00 PST


Tag Tag, you're IT! Tag you're it! So, apparently, I have been "tagged." And, if you are reading this, I have likely "tagged" you in return. So what does this "tag" mean? Well apparently I have to...
Posted by +++Goblin King+++ on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 11:29:00 PST

The Phone Call

  Its been a very long time since Ive written anything. At least anything that was written out of desparation and Love   The means to reach you is in my hand, on its way to these longing ea...
Posted by +++Goblin King+++ on Fri, 27 Oct 2006 02:50:00 PST

soft core hahaha no but really

ok here it is the latest shoot, it was very fun to shoot and even more fun trying to remain proffessional. Wh at can i say Shannon knows what shes doing so props to her and to the Lovely Black Jessica...
Posted by +++Goblin King+++ on Tue, 18 Oct 2005 09:40:00 PST


i just want to howl at the pale moon run until the world beneath me crumbles how do you out run tears? i will drown in this bottle until im lifeless and not a faint glimpse of who i am surfaces!! THE...
Posted by +++Goblin King+++ on Fri, 16 Sep 2005 12:29:00 PST

" what you see is what you get and oh, you aint seen nothing yet"

well this is a message for those who know me.....Yes what im going to say is cheezy and long but well I dont give a flying shit brick so there......................... you all know how i thi...
Posted by +++Goblin King+++ on Mon, 15 Aug 2005 06:54:00 PST


i cant say enough about this song it hits all the key points in my life if you havent heard MUSE then you just dont know and you should     Escape You would say anythingAnd you would t...
Posted by +++Goblin King+++ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


She knows way too much but these confession pour out of me they words she hides drip like honey fueling a fire that grows out of controll DEVORO TUS SUENOS eliminando el escape del deseo tu cuer...
Posted by +++Goblin King+++ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

i just dont know anymore

more than EVER! i hate herits all so stupid so trivialI say help me clean she wants go with her friendi say help me first she says "fuck you""Fuck ME! no no no cabrona FUCK YOU"...that wasnt smartbut ...
Posted by +++Goblin King+++ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

the argument

the casual conversation turned discusion evolves into debate as the mind slowly begins to eclipse all logical reasoning now drenched in screams the batle begins he who is loudest claims victory.. no...
Posted by +++Goblin King+++ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST