wATS gOoDy dIs uR gRl rOsAlInD. im hAlF pUeRtOrIcAn aNd bLaCk. iM fRoM nEwaRk aLl dAy eVerYdAy. i gOt a bAbY Grl her name is saiyuri in wHicH i lOvE vErY mUch aNd dAts a lItTle bIt aBoUt mE, iF u dNt lIke it i dNt gIvE a fUcK!!!!!!!!!!!!Layout by Tennaya Layouts / HotFreeLayouts
HotFreeLayoutsBaby grl u are my all my everything. waken up every day and seein u smile at me and laugh gives me so much joy. it feels like jus yesterday u were in my belly kicken up a storm but now ur here and ima love u and care 4 u to da max. u dnt kno how special u are 2 me and how much u have made me change. now im a mom im ur mom and i will always be here 4 u!!!!!