Anybody with like interests, or not. I'm not looking for anyone in particular. Just someone to talk to every once in a while.
I'll listen to anything with a good beat to it. I could go into specifics, but I'm too lazy to go through all that trouble. Any band that reminds me of home, Incursion, MSD, Caustic. Local bands from where ever I am living at the time this these ones here they kick ass
"Secretary" starring James Spader and Maggie Gyllenhaal. Hands down my favorite movie of all time. He's just so weird I can't help but be attracted to him. Anything funny, anything scary, anything funny and scary. Chick flicks nauseate me. Movies with crying piss me off.
Comedies and reality TV, because it's fun to watch people fail. I also LOVE crime dramas like Law and Order CI and SVU. NCIS ia a favorite of mine as well
haven't you heard?
Every book by Poppy Z. Brite. The "Harry Potter" series is my one guilty pleasure. Anything by Stephen King and any book written by the newly overly Christianized Anne Rice up till now.
Anybody on SUICIDE GIRLS. Beautiful women in various states of undress inspire me.