Kari profile picture


I am here for Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

I'm 20 and I'm a Junior in College. I'm a music ed. major in the vocal school. I've got a little girl named Maggie and she is the light of my life. I love her soo much. hmmm.. Hobbies: I love watching and drawing anime, reading Manga, also reading smut and other romance novels as well as some scifi/fantasy genres..(I've got some fave authors.), making up and writing my own short stories, (for my enjoyment only.. sorry)umm.. bike-riding, horseback riding, mostly just being outside makes me happy. (No shoes! ) Foods: Normally I'm picky, but leave any pasta behind and it won't survive in my company. Sour cream and onion chips w/ Dr. Pepper.. although recently I've had some stomach problems so I can't have a lot of my old fave foods... weep for me!! well, that pretty much sums it up.. if I think of anything else I'll add it later! TTFN Ta Ta For Now!! -Neko-chan-

My Interests

Anime, Manga, Bikes, horses, scifi/fantasy and romance novels, drawing, reading, writing, DRAGONS!!!! cute fuzzy ones and big majestic ones and all!!!, hmm... cats.. I love cats.. I've got 4. ask me about them sometime.

I'd like to meet:

hmmm.. Johnny Depp, Christopher Paolini, Anne McCaffrey, Mercedes Lackey, hmm... If I think of anyone else I'll let ya know!


music.. well duh! I'm a music ed student! of course I like music!!! if I didn't I'd be pretty stupid now wouldn't I?!! anyway.. types: well mostly anything that has a nice beat, no screaming and no rapping. (that's the extremes of both.) I prefer rocknroll.. but I've recently discovered j-rock (japanese rocknroll) and i love it!! GO ORANGE RANGE!!


I don't really have any fave movies, but I like most of Johnny Depp's more recent ones, and of course, scifi/fantasy and some romance. also Action flicks that don't have cheezy plots, although Taxi, and The Whole Ten Yards are my exceptions.


as for TV shows.. hmm.. I watch Law and Order, L&O: Criminal Intent, and L&O: SVU sometimes, I'll watch Angel on occasion. hmm...Stargate SG-1, Firefly (very rarely), Monk, and .. there are others.. but I can't think of them right at the moment.. I 'll have to get back to you.


ahhh books.. a favorite subject of mine.. hehe.. I could go on and on about the many books I've read and own. but I won't. I'll just give you my fave authors and you can go out and research them yourself. Romance-Nora Roberts(I love all of her Irish books), Scifi/Fantasy-Anne McCaffrey(for her Acorna series, not Pern), Mercedes Lackey(Valdemar Rocks!! I love Stefen!!!!), Christopher Paolini(he created my hero, Eragon), and my best friend, Kiki (she's an unknown.. not an accomplished writer.)


Heroes.... well that would have to depend on if they were real or not!..lol.. I love most of the heroes and heroines in my books, especially the unexpected ones. hehe.. but all in all right now my hero is Eragon. (and for those of you who don't know who he is, Google it!)