Vintage, Pin-up, Burlesque, Caffeine, Bonfires, Reading, Food, Art, Astrology, Autumn, Black, Books, Candles, Cats, Cherrys, Hot Showers, Ice Cream, October, Photography, Piercings, Poetry, Reeses Peanut Butter Cups, Sex Shops, Sex Toys, Silver Jewelry, Sub Cultures, Singing, Sleeping, Rubber Duckies, Swimming, Tattoos, Fetishes, Thunder Storms, Sun Glasses, Chai Tea, Snail Mail, Arts and Crafts, Kissing, Purple, Cuddling, Handcuffs, Fresh Flowers, PopCicles, Playgrounds, Coloring Books, Procrastinating, Road Trips, Slushies, Drawing, Vampires, Painting, Psychology, Dancing, Movies, Make-up, Old and New Cartoons, Foresics, Night Walks, Chinese Food, Strawberry Banana Flavored Stuff, Oreo Cookie Pie, The Occult, Dark and Milk Chocolate, Grapefruit Juice, Oriental and Celestial Stuff, Rain, House Plants, Retro, Glamour, Cooking, and more!
Anyone who appreciates the true beauty of the plus size!!! Love me, or hate me, either way it's your choice! I am always looking for new people to meet or talk with XD
Eclectic tastes. I am really big into piano and classical. 80's new wave, Gothic, Ethreal, Trance, Techno, Oldies, Classic rock, and world, are just a few of my fave's.
I love Art house and Foreign films. Anything horror, psychological or romantic. It's awesome being eclectic :D
I love reading :D Give me a book and I am sure I will read it!!!