Comedy, Music, Movies. I create my own forms of each. I do Improv, Sketch, and Stand-up Comedy. I love to jam with anyone. By that i mean, put jam on bread or english muffins.
Sarcastic and witty hot chicks. People with personality, who can appreciate humor in any form.
pearljam,blindmelon,springsteen,neilyoung,zeppelin,hendrix,r adiohead,pinkfloyd,cOpEsEtIc,Love Trilogy,john fruciante, Tender Trio, LeeCh ernowitz, anything ironic and sarcastic (so any good karaoke performer).
Raiders of the Lost Ark, the Usual Suspects, Way of the Gun, the Burbs, the Money Pit, Requiem for a Dream, Wet Hot American Summer, Soul Plane, Jesus Wears a Black Trenchcoat
the Office, My Name is Earl, the Office, ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT, Lost, MXC, and the Office, Reno 911, Kids in the Hall, the State, and the Office
Kurt Vonnegut, Douglas Adams, David James Duncan
i don't have any heroes, i do origami.