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About Me

about me hmmm.... :D i like playing rpg, fantasy, versus figthing, blood gore videogames. im an animal lover, i have a dog named snoopie, a g.pig named kululut (ac2ly gp ni kimay; ampon ko sya) i also love reptiles, snakes & i like spiders im an animal lover!! :O love fastcars but unfortunately dont have one :( im fond of watching chinese movies.......:) my fave color is violet!! i love anything dat is purple or VIOLET!!.. ;P I LOVE ANIME!!! Hisoka is the best!! kawaii!! and Vergil of dmc3 ;D im a member of a fraternity for more than 6 years now.. i born, i live, i die as an Akrho. to die is to rest but AKRHO is the best!!_Omnio_Dencit_Veritas Tribu Chapter canaman, bicol..... some peepz ask me why am i called sharky i've been using it since i was 6 yrs old its 15 yrs by now... how? when i was little im really fond of watching cartoons, and my fave character is sharkey a shark who's role is a dog or something like that and he's not the main character.. .. it became also my pledge name in my fraternity too.. i don't know but most people call me sharky than my real name but i like it though.....but one thing i know i didn't got my name from another person, i'd never copied it from anyone :)

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

anime lovers & animal lovers, old friends, brods & sis in my fraternity or probably anyone...


Cerberus fight

U got nothin' & nothin's got u I can see ur fear it surrounds u Built w/ strife & insight but it's not enough I'll defeat & discreet ur evry moveInstinctual, just take ur life 1 step, 1 breath u're under my knife Killing slow is da way I conquer It's tym 4 torture test can't wait no longerW/ ur first step u will burn Can't control ur hate u've learned Killing slow is da way I conquer Until u know the meaning of sufferStep twice u invite & welcome death Pay homage 2 me w/ ur last breath Say gudbye 2 a lyf dat u once knew Along w/ evry being dat was b4 u


Love & Basketball, Stranger Inside, The Ring, 2 fast 2 furious, Akira, DBZ13, slamdunk 1,2,3 &4, wolf'srain OVA, samurai x ova, fatal fury, ghostfigther, ghost in the shell,:D Moon Child


ghost in the shell,outlaw star,naruto,Wolf's Rain,gundam wing,GTO,DBZ,slamdunk,astro boy,arjuna,ghost fighter,flame of recca,get backers,chobits,.hack/,hunterxhunter,wild striker,one piece,rune soldier,ragnarok,witch hunter robin,captain herlock,full metal panic,extra challenge,mtv fashionista,basketball show,survivor,american idol,america's top model,shakey's v league,lover's in paris, stairway to