music, art, photography, strange stuff, movies, gatling guns, webdesign, literature, mythology, history, occultism, philosophy
Tomás de Torquemada
nekromantix, hank williams III, sentenced, black daliah murder, alter bridge, impaled nazarene, the vision bleak, poisonblack, soilwork, the black league, muse, the coral, tenacious d, skew siskin, and many more..
sin city, dobermann, die blutige hand gottes, shoot em up, the breed, tim burton movies, predator, addams, black adder, 2001 maniacs, guillermo del toro
dante alighieri, henricus institor (malleus maleficarum), laurell k. hamilton, anne bishop, dan brown, charlaine harris, de crescenzo, koontz, e.a. poe, umberto eco, faust (the whole tragedy)
Chuck Norris