Reading, cooking, drinking, taking drugs, listing to music, blogging and making inappropriate and miscalculated long shots at girls that are clearly out of my league.
The sort of people that attract stern, religious glowers.
Stuff I havn't heard yet.
Made in Britain, Romper Stomper, American History X, Love Honour and Obey, The Business, Layer Cake. Films about skinheads and British Gangsters, basically.
All british comedy execpt for Lee Evens and Bernard fucking Manning.
The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins, Freedom Next Time by John Pilger, Unpeople by Mark Curtis and almost anything political by Noam Chomsky. I also like Iain Banks, Robert Ludlum, J R R Tolkien, Sebastien Faulks and Jostein Gaardier.
Noam Chomsky, Mark Curtis, John Pilger, Richard Dawkins, Patrick Cockburn, Peter Trasky, Peter Tatchell amongst others.