"The Tuinman is a multimedia creative entity...
From hand drawn art to 2D digital art ,audio to video and 3D sculpteres, The Tuinman has been involved with projects that used many different outputs from tattoo designs, storyboards, poster art and many more...Also an audio freak, the Tuinman has made his mark through varied music projects as:
Wishing Bone Pain(Bassplayer),varied blues projects(Bassplayer),Dust(Vocalist),House of Leary(Bassplayer/Vocalist)Fathom(Bassplayer/Vocalist),Old Sons(Bassplayer/Vocalist),Hooligans(Vocalist)
gineer,Writer,Vocalist)Kcuf(prop/mask builder)...and more.The Tuinman has worked with a wide variety of people in music or other includding:The Cosmic Jester, De Spons, CWS, R.Roelofsen, E.Feltzer, A.Canizales, Pamterra...and many more.
His latest music project is as vocalist for the mighty Laberinto..."
I made this music player at MyFlashFetish .com.