Art, computer games, Music, friends, human condition, debating, comedy and philosophyI also like PANDA
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I want to meet people I can get to know and evenatually meet in person as friends. lately i've been fed up of not meeting anyone and having a poor social life BUT i don't mind who I talk to online! so if you wanna add me add me :P
ALL KINDS! I like acctual hevay metal (TYR! BLIND GUARDIAN!YAARRRRR) to fake hevay metal (Slipknot, cradel of filth) But I also love 80ies music, rock some pop and allll sorts! Deine Lakaien are a band i've goten into recently, here is them live MOCK HIS HAIR AND I SHALT SMIT THEE DOWN!It's best to jsut say i hate 99% of Rap, R&B and any music that consist of a guy pushing a button and calling it a "remix" is also out, I know DJs can stand and mess with a record and add in filters and that's cool, not my kind of music but they have skill but give me someone who takes a song and just speeds it up or puts over a different beat... I'll call them frauds!
I barely watch movies, am just not a movie person! If someone else is watchig something i can sit down and watch it with them but I reserve the right to MST3K it (and if you don't know what MST3K is This is MST3K I also think most new movies suck, I like classic movies! even if they aren't shiney and 99% CG! I mean lately movies are all jsut crap horror movies or remakes of classic movies.OH and when it comes to the "star wars Vs Star Trek" (being a geek i love both movies) I had never really thought about it, I loved both movies for there differences and thought it cruel to compare them BUT then i found this video on You Tube and now, through fact and obvious pros and cons, star Trek is the better made series BUT i still like both equally! And like the guy says... Farscape knocks BOTH them to the ground then Lexx come in and blast them both out the sky and the two ships of the series fly off together happily
BURN TV :PI love comedy and I adore SCRUBS! it rocks I want to be JD :P He is my idol!
But otherwise I don't watch TV except the news but ussualy it just annoys me, But I watch it to see if it inspires anything what it can. I am totaly against humanity, a a race we suck. We have the ability to live better lives but we don't, we are given every opertunity to have anything what we want but we chose lazy ways out and in general the masses are truely pathetic BUT there are people I like, indaviduals that I enjoy and have fun with so it isn't all bad. But when my friends number as only a few compared to the thousands of Chavs, racist idiots, terrorists like Bush and all these religious groups that think they are right over everyone else cause they pray differently are just dumb! Humanity needs to be taught a big lesson but there all to busy eating big macs and drinking white diamond to care!
I am not a big reader, English isn't a strong subject with me and never has been. It maybe the fact I put the SEX in Dyslexic. it wasn't like I didn't try to spell and write gramitcally, I just couldn't do it, it seems so hard. SO i mostly read comics to have pictural aids :P BUT I have recently started Reading Neil Gaiman, started on Smoke and mirros, his short stories in one place and I like how this man thinks :D
Here he is Accompied as ever By Dave McKean my favurite illustrator to.But I do read alot of mangas and indie comics. There is one certain unpublished artist who I'd love to one day own the Comic of but for now I just adore her work and rant and rave about my undying admiration for what she does! I give you Spooky Chan go check out her my space account BUT more importantly Her art work!
I don't have many heros because I never use to have much hope as a child so I didn't develop the love and understand for heros until I was older. To me Spider-man is a hero because of him being the first Cartoon hero i truely got into but not only that his his character was always going through emotional battles that are more realistic to other super heros. Superman had a steady job, wife and saved the world, X-men had it rough but they just had the same crap over and over again. Peter Parker would just be getting life on track then something else would happen, plus he was always fighting inwardly trying to have a life and be a hero what is pretty much imposable.
An image from W3Schools:
My mum is kinda my heroine, she has gone through so much in so little time and she is still so strong and I hope i have her kinda strength when I am older and have to face the big bad world as she has. Am glad she has finaly found someone who she cares alot about YES am a mothers boy but you know what, how many people in these days can acctualy say they still love there family?Also JD is a bit of a hero from scrubs because he is KING OF THE GEEKS! ALL HAIL THE KING!