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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Hello! I'm Chandra Free.
I am a comic book artist, fine artist, illustrator, colorist, painter, and appreciator of the arts.
Music powers my art work, so i've very passionate about what I listen to.
I'm into subculture of many types, and I enjoy stimulating conversation.
Myspace might not be my thing, but it does allow for me to network with those out there that i wouldn't normally get a chance to talk with. Not only that, but it gives me opportunities to watch my favorite bands/artists, and keep up with what they're doing.(And keep up with my friends as well.)
My intention with this account, is to post updates on my work in the future as it comes out. This by all means is not a personal journal (i have LJ for that.) Though from time to time I might comment on movies, music, art, or other things if it suits my fancy.
I appreciate any of you who stop by.
Please go check out my art work at
I also have a Comic Space account!
* * * * * * * *
The God Machine
Publisher: Archaia Studios Press
Role: Artist/Writer/Creator
Street Date: 2009 TBA
Stricken with grief from the death of his girlfriend, Sith, Guy Salvatore struggles day-to-day to make sense of his world. He’s plagued with hallucinations of monsters that torment him with outrageous requests and threaten his life wherever he goes. He’s unsure if these manifestations are real or are being invented by his own sickened mind.
A man calling himself Satan holds the answers to Guy’s woes. Satan’s twisted tongue removes the tragedy of Sith’s death, and restores hope with the promise of her being alive. But there’s a catch! It seems that the two Gods that govern all of existence, let her be stolen from her world by an unknown force. Now she is floating aimlessly in and out of dimensional planes known as the “Dream Worlds.” Satan implores Guy to take action and call upon his latent power to break through his world’s plane, search out Sith, and take vengeance upon the vile Gods that caused this atrocity.
What’s a “Guy” to do? Especially when you think you’re going out of your skull, and a suspiciously cliché and creepy man in a graveyard tells you that your dead girlfriend is alive! Join Guy as he battles his perceptions of reality and starts to discover things that go beyond his world and into another.
An ongoing psychological drama-comedy about life, love, the politics of Gods, and everything you wanted to know about existence, but were afraid to ask!
Past Projects:
*Cover pictured- Sullengrey: Cemetery Things Trade. Line work by Drew Rausch.
Publisher: Ape Entertainment
Role: Colorist issues 5-6. [Guest colorist on Cemetery Things Trade Paper Back (colors for front/back covers, colors on "Fear", Pin-up, and 2 extra pages)]
Street Date: New series TBA. Sullengrey: Cemetery Things is out now.
* * * * * * * *
Check out my 30 seconds of fame I received back in August on an Adult Swim bump. :)
Featuring my Venture Brothers art work.
My Adult Swim Bumps:

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Artists, musicians, friends, people who inspire, etc.

*About my top friends-
I never know what to do with the damn thing. It's made up of close friends, people in the industry that i've met, and whatever. I don't know how to order it since I don't like to say one person/thing is better than the other. So never feel offended if you go on and off my list, or I change the order. I think the whole thing is silly- and personally who I choose is a product of who I'd like to receive exposure if necessary or whatever. I really don't know. Does it matter?

My Blog

Archaia Resumes Full-Time Publishing Schedule In June ing its tradition of excellence and a commitment to high-quality creator-controlled comics, Archaia announced it will resume a full publishi...
Posted by on Mon, 04 May 2009 14:48:00 GMT

FX con THIS weekend + Archaia Comic News!

First off- this weekend [April 17-19th] me and Lindsay Cibos will be sharing a a table at FX Convention! We should be at table 75 [if we read the form correctly...!] and i'll have a few new prints, an...
Posted by on Mon, 13 Apr 2009 21:33:00 GMT

FX Con coming VERY soon! Awakening, you should order it!

It's coming soon! FX Con!!!       If you're going to be in the Orlando area-Me and Lindsay Cibos will be sharing a a table there this year at FX Convention this April 17-19th.Come out and see us!!!   ...
Posted by on Tue, 07 Apr 2009 14:40:00 GMT

Awakening comic, New fan art & FX con appearance!

Soooo some comic news [not my own, but damn fine comic it is!], new fan art, and new convention time!ready? let's go!********************Have I mentioned Awakening is coming out in June? Well I havemo...
Posted by on Fri, 27 Mar 2009 15:58:00 GMT

Mega-con, NYCC wrap-up, & exciting God Machine news!!

Hey guys! first off- This upcoming weekend is Mega-con!Feb 27th - March 1stIll be in Artist Alley; Burgundy 8A section. I'll have stickers and prints! So come and see me and say hello.:)See you this ...
Posted by on Mon, 23 Feb 2009 21:15:00 GMT

NYCC Booth Number Confirmed!!

Ok, it has been confirmed that I will be at the Kunoichi booth #949. [click link for con map]So for all of you going to New York Comic-con, please, do come out and see me! I have new prints i'm f...
Posted by on Tue, 03 Feb 2009 20:24:00 GMT

NYCC, Mega-Con, & The God Machine re-signed!!

So much information to get done, and my hands hurt! >_<First conventions appearances-------------------New York Comic-conFeb. 6th-8thToday i got the official word that I will be attending New ...
Posted by on Thu, 22 Jan 2009 22:44:00 GMT

Birthday/House + Comic News

cross posted to my DA account.House/Birthday---------------So mee and my husband, Jim are all moved in to our new house now. Well, we still need to unpack a lot, but we're certainly getting there. So ...
Posted by on Tue, 23 Dec 2008 16:49:00 GMT


So me and my husband are moving this weekend to our first house together. It's been a long time coming. We're pretty excited. We're not moving far [only about 7 minutes away from where we currently li...
Posted by on Thu, 11 Dec 2008 02:38:00 GMT

San Diego Comic-Con Schedule

Cross posted to my DA account and other placesOk, I finally received word today about our scheduling for the Archaia Studios Press booth- Due to the huge amount of creators going to be there at the AS...
Posted by on Tue, 15 Jul 2008 12:14:00 GMT