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Black Cherry

Black Cherry

About Me

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Black Cherry
My name is Sasha. This is my space. I'm smiley, half Greek and live in Scotland. This music you hear is Pause/Resume by a band called Eddison. They're great."scrollbar-arrow-color:FFFFFF; scrollbar-track-color:FFFFFF; scrollbar-shadow-color:FFFFFF; scrollbar-face-color:FFFFFF; scrollbar-highlight-color:FFFFFF; scrollbar-darkshadow-color:FFFFFF; scrollbar-3dlight-color:FFFFFF; I like capital cities, cakes, bling and collecting I.C. shoes. I'm not into sports except sking and er, dancing; and diving just to watch. I'm into dress-making although not very good and rug making which I'm very good at. I'm passionate about music. I like taking pictures and putting them in albums, frames and scrap books :)
I'm going to Egypt then India with my sexy husband-to-be in a matter of days. Can't wait!"scrollbar-arrow-color:FFFFFF; scrollbar-track-color:FFFFFF; scrollbar-shadow-color:FFFFFF; scrollbar-face-color:FFFFFF; scrollbar-highlight-color:FFFFFF; scrollbar-darkshadow-color:FFFFFF; scrollbar-3dlight-color:FFFFFF;" I don't like dogs or Pink Floyd.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

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My Blog

Napolean Dynamite Dance

I love this.Vote for pedro people.  ...
Posted by Black Cherry on Tue, 28 Feb 2006 04:56:00 PST