Well..............My name is Aileen! I am happy person! :)I like doin crazy random things and i love to have a laugh with my friends. I would also say i was a kind and helpful person.
I love my family,friends and my dogs Jack and Buster! I love music :D:D. I would also maybe like to try modeling (i know your all laughing. lol) I have been with my man chris for nearly 2 years now and i love him to bits :D I have 11 fish... i have called one group "the Goombas" and there is the other group "The Chuddies" lol and last but not least dory!!!! :) I WANT CAPTAIN JIM JELLY!!!!
I created my layout at KillerKiwi.net
a href='http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vd3d3LmdsaXR0ZXJsaX