Jes & Michael profile picture

Jes & Michael

All you need is LOVE!

About Me

Myspace Layouts and SO much more from! ♥ "As you brush your shoes and stand before your mirror, And you comb your hair and grab your coat and hat, And you walk the streets trying to remember, All those wild nights breeze through your mind, And everything looks so complete, When youre walking out on the street, And the wind catches your feet, And sends you flying, crying, Oooh, oo-ooh wee the wild night is calling" - John Mellencamp. Jessie's my name! Don't wear it out! About twenty years ago my mother shocked the world with the birth of one hell raising child... ME! I've definatly put my family through hell. And I love them all for it. My mother is a single parent of three girls. My older sister Amanda is exactly like mom, which I love, and she always looks out for me. I lived with her for a year... that's all she could handle. We are six years apart. Now my youngest sister is a hoot. She's ten years younger than me and is my absolute hero. She's so freaking smart and talented. She has a little hell raiser in her too. I LOVE IT!!! Muhaha! My dad is great too. I just met him this year (long story) and he's really taught me a lot about myself. I'm exactly like him. I share my dad with my kick ass sister Whitney. Whit is fifteen years old and although we've also just met we instantly became close. She is EXACTLY like me. scarey. She's so gorgeous and kind. I'm so proud of how wonderful they all are. I live in Charlotte with my phenominal boyfriend Michael. I got talked into singing to him at a karaoke bar and ever since then it been AMORE! He's my friend, my shield and my everything. I also live with my best friend Brady. He is something else. He helps me raise hell and I charish him for it. He's always there to get me into trouble but he always gets me back out of it too. I don't know what I'd do without him. And I live with Brady's boyfriend Derrick. He's my crazy creative partner in crime. I always have fun when he's around. I have a dog named Cinco... MY BABY! He's special. I work at a blues bar in Concord as a waitress and their only trainer. I love my job! It helps that Michael works with me. I love singing, photography, painting, drawing, dancing, acting, reading, making a fool out of myself, making other people laugh so hard they cry, complimenting people, MUSIC...ALL MUSIC, writing lyrics, playing poker, doing things I'm not suppose to be doing, being a rebel, stretching my mind, walking around barefooted, and making my family and friends proud. I HATE IT when people tell me to calm down, I'm ignored, I have to do something I don't want to do and when I'm right but you think I'm wrong. Life is great and I enjoy every minute of it.

My Interests

*Dancing *Singing *Creating and viewing art *Live bands *Music in general *Tattoos *Hair *Shopping *Reading while taking a bath *Movie marathons*Watching and playing baseball *Disc Golf *Traveling *Being outdoors *Yoga *Fashion *Eating *Photography *Making boys blush *Beer pong *Laughing until it hurts *Sleeping in a bed of hot towles *Telling dirty jokes *Giving compliments *Chilin *Partying until the next day *Coloring fuzzy posters with Michael *Making music *Writing *Scrapbooking

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I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet MYSELF in forty years. You know, just to see how everything turns out. I always wonder if I'm going to end up being some crazy hippie lady with long braided hair and sandles on my feet. I wouldn't mind though. I'm sure I'll still own my Janis Joplin collection and live in the mountains with my loyal dog and half deaf husband. And hey, I'm okay with that. And isn't that all that really matters?


EVERYTHING- James Blunt, Shakira, Janis Joplin, Melissa, Brittany Spears, Kelly Clarkson, Elton John, The Beatles, Queen, The Doors, Pink Floyd, Ben Folds, Gavin DeGraw, Avirl Lavigne, Sublime, Postal Service, The Wallflowers, Moulin Rouge Soundtrack, Bonnie Raitt, Rent Soundtrack, Etta James, Frank Sinatra, Rod Stewart, Marvin Gay, Louis Armstrong, Ray Charles, Aerosmith, The Eagles, The Ataris, Weezer, Bob Dylan, Better than Ezra, Sister Hazel, and soooooooooo many more.

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Moulin Rouge, Donnie Darko, Requiem for a Dream, The Secretary, Big Fish, Fight Club, Pulp Fiction, Memento, all Batman movies, Bowling for Columbine, etc.

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Full Tilt Poker, Celebrity Poker, COPS, The Cosby Show, Fresh Prince of Belaire and anything that looks half way repulsive.


Go Ask Alice, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, The Notebook, The Great Gatsby, My Sisters Keeper, Janis Joplin Biography, Bell Jar, etc.


My mother,My sisters, My dad, My grandma, Brady E. Keenan , Michael Dean Propst, Kyle "SLOPES" Payton, Chris Walker, Tosha Outlaw, GRACIA E. SCOTT, Beth Porter, Janis Joplin, Sylvia Plath, Robert Frost, Marilyn Monroe, and all of the men and women that put their lives on the line for us everyday.

My Blog


So I've never really known my dad. When my parents divorsed we just ended up drifting away from one another. So about 15 years later my best friend is scoping out his my space when he looks at me and ...
Posted by Jes & Michael on Sun, 03 Sep 2006 11:03:00 PST

Blogging to Blog

So my wonderfully talented friend Chris and I have been writting music together for the past month or so. It's been so much fun! I've been singing my entire life. Even as I child I was in an adult cho...
Posted by Jes & Michael on Wed, 10 May 2006 12:42:00 PST


I moved to Charlotte in fear of the life I use to have. That's right... I ran from my problems. I never really expected much from this place. I just figured that I would gather my thoughts and move ba...
Posted by Jes & Michael on Wed, 22 Feb 2006 09:10:00 PST

Isn't life funny?

Isn't life funny? Well, not funny haha... funny ironic. Like, for example, when you fight so hard to be with someone... only to find yourself fighting to forget them. Or how you don't really want to k...
Posted by Jes & Michael on Tue, 07 Feb 2006 12:18:00 PST