Paper Darren
George W. Bush, Billy Graham, Bono and U2, Wayne Gretzky, Spider-man, and Superman. Did you know Napoleon Dynamite is Batman?
P.O.D., Mute Math, Fold Zandura, Switchfoot, Mortal, Juggernautz, Fourth Estate, Earthsuit, Club of the Sons, Macrosick, Flyleaf, Johnny Q. Public, Stryper, Sin Dizzy, The Prayer Chain, Blindside, U2, CUSH, Leeland...........
P.O.D., Mute Math, Fold Zandura, Switchfoot, Mortal, Juggernautz, Fourth Estate, Earthsuit, Club of the Sons, Macrosick, Flyleaf, Johnny Q. Public, Stryper, Sin Dizzy, The Prayer Chain, Blindside, U2, CUSH, LeelandDumb and Dumber
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