What Type of Kisser Are You?
Romantic kisser This kind of kisser will be a good husband or wife.
depths of me.:
Get to know me a little better. The questions that really help you to know me. Have fun.
If you could live in any other place, where & why? Not sure. I like where I am now.
What animal best represents you & why? kitten. Cute. Cuddly. Deadly
What is the craziest thing you ever did? Streaked through school
If you could meet anyone, who would it be & why? I would like to meet a girl who is worth the time
If you could go back in time & live in any decade, which would it be & why? The 80's. God bless hair metal bands.
If you could have any superpower what would it be? The power to understand women
Whos is your ultimate celebrity crush? Don't really have one
What color best represents you? depends on my mood
What would your life's theme song be? "The Little Things" by Good Charlotte
Who would you cast to play you in a movie? Jack Black. He's a funny dude
What celebrity best represents your vision of fashion? dunno
What would your life movie be called? The Guy the World Forgot
What is the greatest music video of all time? "Bullet with Butterfly Wings" by Smashing Pumpkins
If you could star in any t.v. show, which one would it be? My Name is Earl. I love that show
What vehicle best represents you? Something old, but reliable
If you could bring back 1 famous person from the dead for a day, who & why? Just one?
If you became president, what would you do first? Streak through the white house
If you got one tattoo, what would it be? Dunno
If you were on MTV's Made, what would you ask to be? A fairy princess
Who do you think is the hottest athlete? no one
Who do you think is the hottest actor/actress? no one
Who do you think is the hottest musician/singer/rapper? no one
Who do you think is the hottest t.v. reality star? Flavor Flav
What sport best represents you & why? I like them all, but I love skateboarding because I kick ass at it
What is your most missed memory of childhood? going fishing with my grand pappy
What is your greatest accomplishment? still waiting on that one
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Have You Ever Survey
Take This Survey at Quizopolis.com
Given a Hickey? yes
Had a one night stand? no
Made someone cry? yes
Opened your Christmas presents early? yes
Been online for more than 10 hours in a row? lmao. yes
Pretended to be someone you weren't online? no
Eaten food that fell on the floor? guilty
Been caught cheating? never
Been caught naked? yes
Flashed someone? yes
Gone out without underwear on? yes
Got into a fist fight? yes
Swallowed bath water? maybe
Peed in the pool? no
Thrown up in public? ugh. yes
Been so drunk you can't walk? yes
Peed in public? yes
Broken wind and blamed someone else? yes
Done something mean you regretted? yeah
Ever played pull my finger? yes
How Daring Are You?
Congratulations, according to our experts, you scored :
92% which makes you Extremely Daring
You are extremely daring. This can mean one of 2 things. You are either very brave or have no common sense.