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I breathe and blink, mostly at the same time. Right now I am working to save up and live in a vw van for a while! :)The mind is a formless continuum that is distinct from the body. When the body disintegrates at death the mind does not cease. Although our superficial conscious mind ceases, it does so by dissolving into a deeper level of consciousness - the very subtle mind. It is this mind which, when thoroughly purified, transforms into the enlightened mind of a Buddha. Every action or thought leaves an imprint on our mind and each imprint eventually gives rise to its own effect. This is called karma. Our mind is like a field and actions are like sowing seeds in that field. Positive actions and thoughts sow seeds of future happiness and negative actions and thoughts sow seeds of future suffering. After death one’s karmic seeds will force one to take rebirth. The actual rebirth and the conditions of that life are determined by the previously created karma. So by creating afflicted actions one is forced to continue in lives afflicted by dissatisfaction. This is called samsara. There is, however, an escape from samsara and a path to achieving Enlightenment. This is achieved through perceiving emptiness, or shunyata, the ultimate nature of self and phenomena and through the practice of Bodhicitta, the altruistic mind of Enlightenment, which arises through the development of pure great love and pure great compassion for all living beings.-Charles W H Nixdorf
Humans!: An Educational Film