Make Me Sad (Aufgeladen und Bereit)
Release Date: 28th April.
7" vinyl split single with Wake the President.
Hamburg label Aufgeladen und Bereit have been building a credible reputation for releasing innovative new music from Scotland. Previous releases on colour – 7" vinyl include tracks by artists as diverse as Future Pilot AKA vs Damo Suzuki, Say, the Sexual Objects to Found.
The Kingfishers’ debut release is a cover version of Vic Godard’s Make Me Sad. A melancholic yet uplifting pop song written by one of the best writers of his generation, Make Me Sad highlights the vocal talents of Sam Martin whose poignant reading of the song has already received praise from Vic Godard himself.
Plans are afoot for the Kingfishers to record another Vic Godard song for their next release. The song in question "Watching The Devil", will be released later in 2008.