The Lady J profile picture

The Lady J

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

♠ Respond to Single Sentence Messages- sorry to many people send me actual emails, with heart and emotion intact for me to respond to these, this includes but is not limited to "You're hott", "How are you", "Whats up", "lets hook up", "ur sexy", "i want u", "can i have your number", "are you str8", "im horney, ur hott lets f*ck", "Y u no tolk to me?" OMG the list could go on, but seriously I get 300+ messages in a day, I do good to respond to the ones I do.
♠Chain letters, emails, or comments... come on, who actually believes that crap?
♠ Respond to People who do not speak English! This includes if you can not write a complete paragraph, or separate your sentences with proper punctuation.
♠ Respond to People who yell at me.
♠ Post or Respond to Mean or inappropriate comments or messages, I have family who read my page, I am going to start deleting all said messages and comments from my site, without hesitation or regret, and you will be blocked. Be polite... I am a lady and should be treated as such.
♠ Respond to idiots who ask me to add them, and then get mad because I dont respond to their one liners.
♠ Give you my full name, address, email, or phone number... sorry, its just a safety issue (I have kids), and I hate spammers, SO DONT ASK, if I want you to have it, I will give it to YOU!
♠ Meet you unless I offer to meet you, I must feel comfortable. Once I say NO, dont ask me again repeatedly.
♠Answer questionnaires, or repeated questions... over and over again from the same person.
I dont mean to come off as a b*tch or snobby person I have just had a TON of this lately, and with over 6,000 friends it is getting more difficult to respond. Please be understanding and respectful.
♥ Tell you Thank you right here right now for all your messages, they are appreciated.
♥ Give the troops the utmost respect!
♥ Post messages of Support for the troops!
♥ Share my Quotes of the Day in Bulletins throughout the work week, and post Blogs to keep you informed and inspired, after all that IS why I am on here.
♥ change my picture nearly daily... call me silly if you like.
♥ respond to heart felt messages, give advice as best as possible when I feel I can, give inspiration and lend a listening ear (reading eye) to those in need.
♥ try to be the best online friend I can possibly be.
Just be patient. PLEASE... and THANK YOU!

This is me in a nutshell: I’m a mother, daughter, sister, friend, modern day princess, sometimes mildly-retarded, plain model, personally professional, honest actress, self-indulgent, successful f*ck up, FFCA Member/Founder (former fat chick), atrocious gourmet chef, nomadic homebody, self effacing arrogant, personal critic, truth-seeking reporter, virtue-instilled transgressor, friendly enemy, despicably lovable, agreeably disagreeable , trash-connoisseur, curiously indifferent, agnostic atheist, food-loving-and-indulging anorexic, fun fanatic, hydrophobic human-fish, adrenaline junkie, leisurely fast-paced livin’, gradually quick, insane procrastinator, anti-Agoraphobic, victims casualty, always traveling, bitchy, good hearted, patriotic, artistic, journalistic addict, pen pal writing, passionate, negligent intellectual, giving, laugh-aholic, privileged poor-rich girl, non-riding PGR Member, stupidly-funny, drama free, sober beer drinking, non-funny poetic comedian, double fisted, shot stop devoted, extroverted introvert, confidently insecure, inspired, intoxicating, ignorantly intellectual, virgin nymphomaniac, homophobic bisexual, xenophobic socialite, passive extremist, conventional activist, soft-handed but hard-hearted, apathetic aficionado, vigorous enthusiast, dedicatedly uncommitted, selfishly caring, heiress of obligation.
~ Along the way you will stumble, and perhaps even fall; but that, too, is normal and to be expected. Get up, back on your feet, chastened but wiser, and continue down the road. ~

Updating this once again. First and foremost I would like to say that I have two perfect children, both boys, named Johnathon and Carson. They are the reason that I wake up every morning and give me the drive to continue down my path when I think things are getting too hard. I started very early in life with them having my first son at 17 and my second son at 19. I was married for the first time when I was 17 and divorced by the time I hit my twenties. Obviously, we were too young, and although it was not a high point in my life, we have come out great friends after a long road of hardship.
I would like to take a second to thank my exhusband for being a great father, without him I am not sure that I could follow the dreams that I am following to this day. Our past was hard and rocky, and through maturity we have come out better parents and more enriched people. He is married to a wonderful woman whom he has another child (my childrens brother) and I couldnt thank her enough for being so good to our children when they are in her care. I thank her for doing a much with them as she does, and for accepting them as two of her own. My kids are better people because they are involved in thier lives, and I hope that all divorced couples with children involved can show the same care and compassion overcoming any differences they may have for thier childrens sake. I was married again for the second time by the time I was in my early twenties, and through my struggles of that marriage found out what it was truly like to be controlled and feel utterly useless. Through my pain and struggles with that second marriage and finding the strength to overcome that challenge of my life, I came out on top with nothing but a brighter future ahead of me.
*If you are in a situation you dont think you can escape, please find someone to help you and guide you so that you dont have to live in fear. No one should have to live that way, and there are people out here that want to help you. It is not weak to reach out for help and I know that if you are in a marriage such as my second marriage, you may think there is no way out... you are wrong, you can do it, and I would be happy to help in any way possible. Dont be afraid to reach out, be more afraid to stay. It is scarey I know, but if you dont get help it will get worse. Part of why I am so patriotic is because, in America, we have the Freedom and the right to pursue happiness... with out the men and women of our Military this would not be possible.*
I have lost around 100 lbs and maintained it off for over three years now. I get asked a lot how I did it, and the trueth is hard work and determination- there is no secret. I dieted and excersized. There is no short cut to getting healthy. You have to keep determination and continue to maintain a lifestyle change or else you will go back to the body you had before.
I am an actor, writer and model. I have been in the business for over three years and recently I have been pretty successful at it. I am in the process of writing my first novel/screenplay as well as getting my poetry and other work published. In Modeling I have been signed with AMAX Agency out of Nashville and I am listed with the Talent and crew Network (Lori Rosas) in Evansville IN. You can also find me on Model Mayhem and One Model Place.I am the co-lead in the movie "Bad Girl Venom" to be released next year 2009, and go to the Sundance Film Festival. The trailor to this film should be out shortly. I have been in commercials, print ads, a reality tv show, and on the radio. I am experienced, and well knowledgable about the business and if you would like to ask me any questions regarding the business please dont hesitate to ask.I know I can be successful and I know it will take hard work, but I have overcome many walls in my past, and walked away a more experienced richer person because of them. No experience is a bad experience unless you dont learn and grow from them. I have grown because of the people I have had the priveledge to meet along the way...It is often said that the people we meet along the way we take with us on our journey (in our hearts)... I have had the pleasure of meeting a lot of interesting, talented, and compassionate people, I am thankful to all those I have had the pleasure to have met. Thank you to all who are a part of my life and for helping me grow not only as a Model/Actress/Mother/Writer, but as a person and I will forever hold you in my heart.
Questions Frequently asked:
Why are you so patriotic do you have a family member in the military?
Answer: Why arent you more patriotic, and NO. My patriotism stems from feeling isolated and living in a controlling lifestyle for 6 years, thankfully because of our freedom I was allowed to escape.
Q:Are you married:
A: Nope Divorced twice, with two kids from my first marriage, and three daughters not with me in this life, due to miscarriage.
Q:Cant we 'hook up'?
A: Not on here for that purpose. In other words... Im not available to 'hook up'.
Q: How did you lose your weight?
A: The good old fashioned way... there is no short cuts, it takes Diet and exersize and a completely different lifestyle.
Q: WHere are you from originally?
A: Tell City Indiana, moved to Lexington at age 9 and then here to Evansville IN in 93.
Q:How many licks does it take to get to the center of a toosie pop?
A: I have conducted tons of research and data on this and STILL do not have an answer... sorry.
Q: Are you gay?
A: No.
Q: How many siblings do you have?
A: One biological brother and three step brothers... yes I am the only girl and no I dont have any sisters.
Q: What is your worst Habit?
A: Smoking... its a freedom thing.. I can so I do.
Q: WHats your sign?
A: Virgo
Q: How did you get into Modeling?
A: Well I have always been a camera hog... but it all started after I lost my weight, and I was approached by an Agent who said I should give him a call.
Q: Are you with Agencies:
A: Yes Three...
Q: What is your natural hair color?
A: Dirty Ash Blonde, otherwist known as ugly ass blonde, dont like it so it is constantly changing.
Q: Where can I see you in Magazines?
A: Rappaport is the only Magazine I have been in, doubt you will see it, and I have done other ads publisized in tourism guides and commercial type work. I was in a Papa Johns Commercial, CD Auto and Jillians Locally and I do spokesmodel work as well.
Q: What are your measurements?
A: Why you gunna give me a job?
Q: Are you as corney as your CD Auto Commercial I've seen on TV?
A: Yes and more, I am the COO of the Goobers of America Foundation... founded by me, defined by me, and perfected by me.
Q: Did you really do a wet t-shirt contest?
A: Yes... wish u were there, maybe I would have
Q: What kind of car do you drive?
A: Why are you a stalker?
Q: Whats your favorite color?
A: Lavender with blue in a close second.
Q: Are your eyes really that blue or is that photoshopped in?
A: Yes they are my real eyes, no they arent enhanced in most my pictures and no I dont wear contacts.
Q: Are you famous?
A: NO. FAR from it.
Q: Will you respond personally to every message you receive?
A: If you get a response it is from me personally.
Q: Will you do a survey if I send it?
Q: What are your Dreams and Asperations?
A: I would like to get into tv, modeling and write a book eventually. I love being an inspiration, and inspiring others to do thier best. I would like to go overseas and personally thank the troops myself, and potentially write a book about Heroes and thier experiences. I want to become successful not for the fame, but for the power to influence others to accomplish great things. If I could make it this far, then anyone can, and if you have dreams... chase them. They are all within your grasp.
I know where I have been, where I am at, and where I am going... I will never stop being upfront and honest about who I am and where I have been, it has made me who I am today... so call me different- I know I am.
MySpace Profile Editor !

My Interests

I appreciate these things because I have seen the other side of life:

~It took me losing a child to look at my children and realize how valueble they really were...

~It took me being abused and having nothing in my life to appreciate my freedom...

~It took me being overweight and ignored to understand what Beauty was...

~It took me losing my family to understand how needed thier support was...

~It took me losing everything and having no money struggling to get by to appreciate the money that I will have one day...

~and it took me facing death to realize how precious my life really is...

~~~NO my life hasn't been easy but I appreciate the things I have been through because they have made me who I am today. I will not make the same mistakes as my past to realize how precious things in my life are... I treasure every moment and hopefully leave a little preciousness behind in my childrens eyes.~~~

I'd like to meet:

Any of the men and women defending our country from the evils in this world. Any one who supports the men and women defending our country. Any one who would put thier life on the line, for the safety and welfare of another. Heros, that is what these people are. Modern day Supermen and women.


Music is a passion of mine. I play the Flute and the Piano, but my favorite is to sing. I can listen to anything, any style, anywhere and love it. I like everything from Jazz (i.e. Michael Buble) to Country (i.e. Faith Hill) to Classic Rock (i.e. ACDC)to Rock (i.e. Evanescence)to Metal (i.e. Slip Knot) to even Pop (i.e. Jessica Simpson). I have fun being musically inclined and I even sing for weddings, and at Kareoke at the Bar... I love it all.
I will be recording my first demo CD soon... love to sing, and hopefully you will love to listen! LOL


Lets see movies? I am a big Comedy, Animated and Horror fan. I have a love/hate relationship with movies. Either I love em or I hate em. I can watch just about any kind of movie, but I normally know within the first 5 minutes weather or not I like it unfortunately a bad ending can ruin any good thoughts I have had about a movie within seconds. I have a large variety of movies I consider favorites so I will mention a few even the corny ones I like:
Emperors New Groove
Pretty Woman
Peggy Sue Got Married
The Italian Job
Sixth Sense
Billy Madison
Big Daddy
Mr. Deeds
Never Been Kissed
Man of the House
Black Sheep
Tommy Boy
Sleepless in Seattle
You've got Mail
Weekend at Bernies
Revenge of the Nerds
Night of the Living Dead
The Notebook
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
Breakfast at Tiffany's
this list could go on and on... there are so many of my favorites!


Television Commercials I have Been in or Done:
Papa Johns Commercial
Jillian's Billiards Commercial
AND YES I am the CD Auto Girl who did the cabbage patch and sang the little jingle. lol
Television? What is that? lol

I prefer Dancing in the moonlight.


I don’t get much of a chance to read, but when I do, I could read for hours. I love Danielle Steel and have just about every book she has ever written. I love a good romance novel with details that most writers tend to leave out. Vivid Description is key to having a great novel. John Irving wrote one of the all time best novels with Cider House Rules, but other than that I read to my kids Dr. Seuss “Cat in the Hat” series, and never seem to get tired of Green Eggs and Ham...


I have had the pleasure of writing to many of my heros,and deal with them almost on a daily at this point. I give full respect and show appreciation to anyone in the Armed Services, Police officers and Firemen that keep us safe from harms way. Without these people, we would live in fear daily, and no one would ever be safe from the evils that plague this world. I thank them from the bottom of my heart, showing no predjudice to any, and love to all. Marines, Army, National Guard, Air Force, Navy, AND ANY AND ALL MILITARY- I thank you!!! :) God Bless the ones who have died and the ones out there risking thier lives everyday for peace and freedom. I bow my head to you and thank you from the bottom of my heart.****I have started a TOP 24 in dedication to the men and women serving overseas. If you are overseas and would like to be on my top 24 please write me and let me know about you. I have also began a "Hero of the Week" Bulletin telling the story of one of our heroes. If you would like to be featured as one of my heros of the week or know someone you would like to nominate. Please contact me! ****

My Blog

To the ones I call "Heroes"

Ok, I get it! You all don't like being called heroes, but when I see someone who does something selflessly for our country (or for me and my children as I see it), I tend to want to show my appreciati...
Posted by The Lady J on Thu, 08 May 2008 04:48:00 PST

Fallen Heroes: March 2008

My heart goes out to the loved ones of these heroes. I will never forget... For more information you may click on the name or picture of the hero. March 2008 FALLEN HEROES March 03, 2008 Air Fo...
Posted by The Lady J on Wed, 07 May 2008 06:07:00 PST

Why I didnt Vote

I tell people to go vote. I do. I really hope that if you can look at these candidates and find one that you agree with and think would be great for our country... then hell... let your voice be heard...
Posted by The Lady J on Wed, 07 May 2008 10:04:00 PST

My first Movie Experience

"Bad Girl Venom" is the name of the film, and just as the name says I am the Innocent looking Bad Girl with Venom! LOL Walking into this film I had no idea what to expect, as it was my first film in w...
Posted by The Lady J on Tue, 06 May 2008 04:32:00 PST

Quotes and Thoughts

So in light of my upcoming movie role and the response to my last post I thought I would go ahead and show you all a little speech I have been working on... lolenters stage crying dramatically, blowin...
Posted by The Lady J on Fri, 02 May 2008 11:56:00 PST

Venting Poetically. By ME

Im just venting... poetically.   Slipping off of my feet or so it seems, I'm fighting for air, locked in a cage, without room to breathe. Rising with heat, into the void it steams, I feel people...
Posted by The Lady J on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 06:59:00 PST

"I Sing. My Song" Poem By me

Tattered and twisted, Open fisted Eye's over misted I could have resisted Mind is missing My face it's kissing Falling and breaking Never mistaking What I'm undertaking Body shaking My mind I'm rakin...
Posted by The Lady J on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 01:53:00 PST

My First Mooovie Baby!

UPDATE:So a lot of people are asking 'whats up' with this film I am making next week so here is a short synopsis-Its called "Bad Girl Venom" and no its not a porn... it is a short independant film by ...
Posted by The Lady J on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 07:41:00 PST

"Best Friends"

True Friends Whether we are near or far,We care no matter where we are.Whether the time between is short or long,We know together is where we belong.No matter how different or the same,We always show...
Posted by The Lady J on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 11:54:00 PST

Lady J quotes

"Happiness always looks small while you hold it in your hands, but let it go, and you learn at once how big and precious it is." Maxim Gorky quotes (Russian Novelist and Playwright, 1868-1936)Happines...
Posted by The Lady J on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 07:57:00 PST