♥Tic toC tic TOC hurry up and come♥ profile picture

♥Tic toC tic TOC hurry up and come♥

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

The AboUt Me SecTioN...heRe Ya GO!♥ Nayely iS My NamE ♥I ResiDe In ThE WeSt CoasT ♥Im 26 YeaRs Old ♥Im MucH moRe iNTELLiGENT thAn I looK ♥Im AesTheTiCiaN & MakE Up ArTist♥Im Bueatyfli BroKeN JuSt DonT ShoW It ♥ I doNt taKe CRiTiCiSM veRy well ♥ I haVe seLeCtiVe HEARiNG & MEMORY ♥I Love SleePinG In ♥TELL ME i CANT AND iLL PROVE YOU WRONG. ♥iM nOt mEAn iM jUST rEALLy hONeST♥I TotaLLy LovE My FaMilY My SisTeRs Are HoTTer ThaN YouRs ♥My NiecE..s & NepheW aRe CuTer Than YouRs♥I loVe My New bundle of joy to come and i hope he can do this... ...hee hee♥mY CoUsINs ArE hOTTEr tHAN yOUrS SexY VaneSSa SexY Terra & MaRisexy saBrina SexY MilF Mariette SExy KoKis SexY taTiaNa DesaRei Miss SexY FrabriaNa SexY LetY SeXy MilF #2 DaRlEne SexY MilF #3 ChrisTina SeXy CrisTaLina SexY NataLie SexY YvettE Lil SeXy MiSS Ivana ChicaGos SexY Vanessa SexY HooKer Lila Chula Tera & Twin Sexy Biker ChIcK BianCa SexY Miss StapaNie mariE SeXy MilF #4 TopaZio & Noemi♥I Love M.A.C Make Up
glitter-graphics.com ♥I LovE To HanG ouT wiTh My BuddiEs ♥I LoVe LA$ Vega$$$$$..♥My 2 favOrite DrinKs Apple Martini & Mai Tai But wHeN yOu have so much To pIck From whY be so PickY Huh ♥I LovE NighT LiFe @ ClubS & baRs ♥I LOvE tO dANcE..oN THA DAnCE fLOOR oR oN tOP oF TABLES!!!♥I geT a Lil TiPsY at TiMes ♥I sinG Kareoke ♥I Love SuRfeRs Beach @ Night♥Im BoY CraZY ♥I LOVE GaeL GaRCiA BerNaL♥Im a DrunK FliRt...hahaha!! ♥I could be your best bet ♥ Let alone your worst ex ♥All My X..s LiVe In TeXaS ♥Hell Yeah Im Good In BeD.... I caN sleeP aLL DaY :) ♥I Love Having a GooD Time wIth My Peeps ♥FUcK wITH mE i..LL fUCK WiTH yOU!♥i'll judge you and stereotype you, then shove you in a category so prove me wrongTHIngS I HaTE!Types of people I cannot stand are LIARS and people who flake all the time. Don't lie to my face, don't talk trash behind my back. Don't talk bad about ME or my friends. I also hate it when people need alcohol or drugs ALL THE TIME!!! to have fun. I don't mind it, but when you're life revolves around it, that's just not cool. Ohh yeah and these types of bitches....... Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds

My Interests

Interest in life are very simple. Live life at the fullest and enjoy it. Life is to short to waste on regrets. Life teaches us many lessons along the way. Its our choice of choosing the right way to live it.I LOve The LIL BraT SisTersI love The Cousins....I Love My BESTIES .....aka...

I'd like to meet:

My baby LOVE&


Amy Winehouse Britney Spears
GweN Janet


Too MaNy to menTioN..


Im totallY a MTV Kid.... yup Mtv is Tv.....suck my ass if you dont think soL.A InK



My Blog

2 more weeks and he will be here!

mY BABY WiLL be Here SooN Im so Excited...But Scared aT the same Time I just hope that oncE hes here I caN be The Best MoMMy I caN be...I wiLL be a SinGle Mom So this Will Be a BiG Job For me...But Im...
Posted by ♥Tic toC tic TOC hurry up and come♥ on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 08:50:00 PST

Baby Branden Taylor...

Baby Branden Taylor...http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseactio n=viewImage&friendID=35916830&albumID=2457579&imageID=301528 12 My baby is a boy!!!!...
Posted by ♥Tic toC tic TOC hurry up and come♥ on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 07:45:00 PST

Pregnancy Update

  Well heres another blog about my pregnacy since everyone wants to know whats the deal. Well where to begin...Pretty much pregger life is going ok.  Im still sick, back hurts, cant sl...
Posted by ♥Tic toC tic TOC hurry up and come♥ on Fri, 29 Feb 2008 05:38:00 PST


He left no time to regret, Kept his dick wet, With his same old safe bet. Me & my head high, And my tears dry, Get on without my guy. You went back to what you knew, So far removed From ...
Posted by ♥Tic toC tic TOC hurry up and come♥ on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 11:45:00 PST

about my pregnancy!

My pregnancycought me by surprise....I mean i just never thought I was going to be able to conceivecause i just wouldn't get pregnantand I was never on birth control nor used any contraceptivesJorge a...
Posted by ♥Tic toC tic TOC hurry up and come♥ on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 09:41:00 PST

addicted to ??

"Addicted" It's like you're a drug It's like you're a demon I can't face down It's like I'm stuck It's like I'm running from you all the time And I know I let you have all the power It's like the onl...
Posted by ♥Tic toC tic TOC hurry up and come♥ on Fri, 11 Nov 2005 09:29:00 PST