Festivals, music, buildings/architecture, food, girls - they're beautiful aren't they!? ..looking through the other end of the telescope.
IF.. there's anyone out there that would like to do my dissertation I'd really like to meet them.
Many people say they couldn’t live without it, do me a favour! you couldn’t live without food and water…and the beat goes on...
It's not easy being green, Ray Mears, shameless, phoenix nights, peep show, office, fast show, grand design, The River Cottage. As good as it gets, dumb and dumber, goodfellas, McVicar, raging bull, City of Cod, The Departed, The Summer of Love, Elf, The Snowman, Brokeback Mountain
Mr Nice,Peter & Jane series, Billy blue hat, the 1987 A-team Annual (with audio tape), Wind in the Willows, Redemption Song - Joe Strummer biography, The Painted Bird, Survivor, The Game,
Sam The Knock(er), Mo Mowlem, my mum - she's brilliant. my little sister - she's written to me more than anyone since i've been here and sent me dvd's and books and just basically been a better sister in the last 3 months than I've been a brother in my life. Zane Lowe for having a great appreciation of nearly everything and quite literally 'digging' my bandana whilst he bravely foiled my 'friends' feeble attempts at mocking me. Jamie Oliver -although sometimes a little annoying - for fighting for what he believes in - my school dinners were beyond shit. Essentially being an anomoly in terms of celebrity role-models and not letting the money completely ruin his life as it appears to do to most people. I just remember the 1st episode of school dinners and he broke down at the end of it and said: 'i've been a shit dad, a shit husband and a shit chef' and he really meant it. I wanted to take him in my manly arms and tell him I forgive him for selling out to Strangely's and doing shit adverts and that all is forgiven. Knowing my luck in the not to distant future he'll probably be plastered all over the front pages of the News of the World: Jamie in sunday roast scandal with Anthony Worral Thompson and Ainsley Harriet - effectively their terrestrial tv careers would be over but there me be an opportunity on a gay porn channel with 'can't fuck won't fuck' er I think I may have gone slightly off-piste with heroes.....