Your girlfriend. Oh, and the Vietnam-war, some (personified) Death-glorification.
Sarah Mae Fraser.
On a less possible note: Theo Maassen, Umberto Eco, Mitch Hedberg, ??s??? Iesous, Berenger Sauniere ...
BM in the vein (of) Antaeus, Funeral Mist, Malign, Marduk, Arckanum.
And, of course, good ol' thrash like Sodom, Toxic Holocaust, Morbid Saint, Nocturnal, Slaver, Infernäl Mäjesty, MOTÖRHEAD.
Other than that, all-round perfect music like The Doors, Django Reinhardt, The White Stripes, Bloc Party, Johnny Cash, The Kinks and some others.
C'est arrivé près de chez Vous,
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest,
Coffee And Cigarettes,
American Movie,
A Clockwork Orange,
Apocalypse Now,
un Chien Andalou,
The Seventh Seal
TV is poison, series are poison. But allow me to contradict myself: English humor à la Black Books/The Fast Show.
Last month or so:
Michel Houellebecq - Les Particules Élémentaires
Michel Houellebecq - La Possibilité d'une Île
Michel Houellebecq - Platform
DBC Pierre - Vernon God Little
I need to read more often.
De temps en temps, some books about art if it's intresting enough (Doré, Dali, Hans Holbein, Albert Dürer, ... Cliché, I know)
Theo Maassen salvabit me.