I like to play bass, writing songs on my acoustic, going out with the lads (and sometimes the ladettes), going to parties, although I haven't been to one for ages.. (anyone know of one coming up? Let me know. Also I like to drive around in my little whip, my pimpin wheels which is a Citreon AX. Look out for it.
Anyone interesting. Don't mind who.
I like most styles. At the moment I'm really into my HipHop and RnB. But it varies daily.. Rock/soul/funk/blues/jazz/reggae/indie/metal.. You name it I listen to it. Except that screamo bollocks.
I like the Running Man. Most people haven't heard of it but those that have will hopefully agree that it is a great film. I really like the Final Destination films - they're scary. 'IT' is a great film. We finally watched that boys. Now we just gotta do 'make stuff'.. Hopefully in the winter hols.
The A-Team is good fun. I also love to watch the Young Ones and Family Guy. Other than that I don't watch much TV.. And Father Ted!